Bulletin Number One 1985

—‘Research in Inorganic Chemistry in Hong Kong University in the Past Decade' by Professor C.K. Poon of the Department of Chemistry, University of Hong Kong on 14th December, 1984. —'Crystal and Surface-structural Studies at Peking University' by Professor Tang You-qi, Director of Physical Chemistry, Beijing University on 25th January, 1985. * Professor Nathan Sivin of the Department of History and Sociology of Science, University of Pennsylvania spoke on 'Ailment and Cure in Traditional China — An Anthropological Study of Classic and Popular Medicine before Modem Times, with Implication for the Present' on 17th December, 1984. This was the second lecture presented by the History of East Asian Science Foundation in conjunction with the Institute of Chinese Studies. * Professor Deng Guangming, Professor of History of Beijing University, delivered a lecture on ‘Reflections on the Current State of Sung Studies' on 21st December, 1984. The lecture was organized by the Department of History. * Mr. Wang Bomin, Professor of the Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts and a Chinese art historian gave a lecture on ‘The Development and Characteristics of Chinese Painting' on 2nd January. The lecture was presented by the Department of Extramural Studies. * United College held its Annual Workshop for 1985 on 4th January. The theme of the Workshop was 'From High School to University', and participants examined important topical issues concerning Hongkong's education at the secondary and tertiary levels. These issues include rural development, promotion of civic consciousness, hidden curriculum and extracurricular activities. Professor T.C. Chen, Head of the College gave the opening remarks. * A ‘Workshop in Selected Sports for Physical Education Teachers and Coaches', presented by the Physical Education Department in collaboration with the Hong Kong Post-Secondary Colleges Athletic Association, was held at the University Sports Centre between 5th January and 9th February in six sessions. Invited speakers came from the Beijing Institute of Physical Education, Taiwan Normal University, the U.S. Professional Tennis Association, and local institutions such as Chu Hai College, Hong Kong Jubilee Sports Centre and this University. * New Asia College organized the following lectures: —Professor C.N. Yang, the second Ming Yu Foundation Professor of the College, gave his Ming Yu Foundation Lecture on 'Inspiration and Creativity' on 9th January. —Professor Tang You-qi, the College's S.Y. Chung Visiting Fellow, gave 'A Random Talk on Symmetry' on 22nd January. Professor C.N, Yang, the Second Ming Yu Foundation Professor of New Asia College * Professor Qian Wei-chang, President of Shanghai University on Technology, and Chung Chi College's 1984/85 Sill Lien Ling Wong Visiting Fellow, delivered: — a public lecture on 'Tertiary Education and Adult Education in a New Era' on 11th January; - a talk on 'Experiences in the Villages of the Chang Jiang River Delta' on 22nd January; and —a lecture on 'The Responsibility of University Students' at the Chung Chi College Assembly on 25th January. * Chung Chi College held its Annual Educational Conference on 19th January. The theme was 'University 26 ACADEMIC/CULTURAL EVENTS