Bulletin No. 2, 2009
Intellectual Cross-currents 53 CAS Academician on Global Change Research P rof. Xu Guanhua, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and former Minister of Science and Technology, paid a visit to Shaw College as Sir Run Run Shaw Distinguished Visiting Scholar 2008–09. Professor Xu delivered a lecture entitled ‘China’s Agenda on Global Change Researches’ on 1 April 2009 at the College Lecture Theatre, explaining in detail the relationships between global change and human activities, as well as research on global change in China. About 130 staff and students attended the lecture. Senior Counsel on Legal Profession Environment T o celebrate the move of the Faculty of Law to its permanent home in the Teaching Complex at Western Campus, a commemorative lecture titled ‘The Changing Environment for the Legal Profession’ was given by Dr. Anthony Neoh SC JP (centre) on 15 May 2009, with over 150 guests in attendance. They included judges, legal practitioners, legislative council members, university colleagues, current students and alumni. They were particularly impressed by the facilities of the Faculty.
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