Bulletin No. 2, 2009

Our Humanities Scholars   15  Another renowned CUHK humanities researcher is Prof. H. Samuel Cheung. His research interests encompass a broad sweep of language and culture, taking in historical phonology, historical grammar, dialectology, language pedagogy and vernacular Chinese literature. Described as a ‘comprehensive’ treatment of the subject, Professor Cheung’s A Practical Chinese Grammar has long been a welcome addition to the language teaching profession. Also with us is Prof. William S.Y. Wang, a distinguished linguist researching on language from an interdisciplinary perspective, involving engineering, linguistics, and biological sciences. He is also the founder of the Journal of Chinese Linguistics . Other renowned humanities scholars on our campus include Simon Haines, Leung Ki-che, Leung Yuen-sang, Poo Mu-chou, and Jenny F. So.