Bulletin Winter 1988

(19) From GD Searle & Co. a donation o f HK$5,000 in support o f microbiological research under taken by the Department o f Microbiology. (20) From Glaxo Group Research lim ited a further donation o f HK$39,450 for a research project undertaken by Professor G.L. French o f the Department o f Microbiology. (21) From Hoechst China Ltd. a donation o f US$5,000 in support o f a clinical study under taken by the Department o f Obstetrics and Gynaecology. (22) From ICI China Ltd. a donation o f HK$ 12,000 for clinical research undertaken by the Depart ment o f Anaesthesia. (23) From Janssen Pharmaceutica a donation o f HK$ 18,750 for cardiological research under taken by the Department o f Medicine. (24) From Mr. Winston Kan a donation o f HK$15,000 for research and educational pur poses in the Department o f Surgery. (25) From Mr. and Mrs. Liu Lit-ching o f Gale Well Ltd. a donation o f HK$100,000 to provide grants for research on kidney diseases under taken by the Department o f Medicine. (26) From Merck Sharp & Dohme (Asia) Ltd.: (a) HK$31,200 for a study undertaken by the Departments o f Medicine and Micro biology; and (b) HK$9 , 000 for the printing o f certificates and for installing an honours board in the Department o f Medicine. (27) From Moët-Hennessy Recherche a donation o f US$5,000 for the database project in the Chinese Medicinal Material Research Centre. (28) From National Cancer Institute, University o f California , a further donation o f HK$52,277.79 in support o f a research project jo in tly under taken by the Department o f Morbid Anatomy and the Zhongshan University o f Medical Sciences. (29) From United Biscuits (Far East) Ltd. a dona tion o f HK$97,000 for a collaborative investi gation undertaken by the Department o f Paedi atrics. (30) From Weixin a donation o f HK$ 14,000 for a research fellowship o f the Department o f English. (31) From the following donors to the IVF pro gramme undertaken by the Department o f Obstetrics and Gynaecology: (a) HK$10,000 from Mr. Wong Djee Hing and Ms. Lee Jing Ying; and (b) HK$7,000 from Ms. Ma Ga Ming (32) From Dr. T.K. Ann a donation o f HK$ 10,000 to sponsor an international conference organ ized by the Department o f Anthropology. (33) From an anonymous donor a donation o f HK$405,777.29 for the establishment o f a ‘Renditions Workshop' at the Institute of Chinese Studies. (34) From Astra Pharmaceuticals Sweden a dona tion o f HK$30,000 to sponsor a visiting pro fessor from Beijing to visit the Department of Medicine. (35) From Beijing-Hong Kong Academic Exchange Centre: (a) HK$1,100 to sponsor a staff member o f the Department o f Pharmacology to at tend a conference in Chongqing, China; and (b) HK$8,060 to sponsor the GIAM V III and INCABB International Conference organized by the Department o f Biology. (36) From Pei Hua Education Foundation a dona tion o f HK$25 , 000 to sponsor the GIAM V III and INCABB International Conference. (37) From Bei Shan Tang Foundation Ltd. a dona tion o f HK$75,000 to sponsor a symposium organized by the A rt Gallery. (38) From the following donors to sponsor the cel ebration programmes o f the 40th Anniversary and other activities o f the New Asia College: (a) HK$ 1,000 from Dr. Fong-ching Chen; (b) HK$200,000 from Dr. Chou Wen-hsien; (c) HK$35 , 000 from Mr. Fung Wing-cheung, Tony; (d) HK$100 , 000 from Dr. L i Dak-sum; (e) HK$2 , 000 from Mr. Nathan Ma Ning-hei; (f) HK$300,000 from Mr. Tang Hsiang-chien; (g) HK$10,000 from Dr. Edwin H.C. Tao; and (h) HK$3 , 000 from the Yale-China Associ ation. (39) From the following donors to sponsor a con ference organized by the Department o f Phil osophy: (a) HK$ 1 , 000 from Mr. Roque Choi; (b) HK$8,000 from Mr. Edmund H.W. Ho, and (c) HK$ 1 , 000 from Mrs. Louise Mok (40) From the Croucher Foundation a donation o f HK$250,000 towards the Croucher Foundation Fund for needy students for 1988-89. (41) From Freemasons' Fund for East Asian Studies, District Grand Lodge o f Hong Kong and the Far East: 24