Bulletin Spring‧Summer 2001

Prof. P.C. Leung, c ha i rman o f the I CM ’s management committee, pointed out that Chinese medicine research on campus tended to focus on ingredient analysis and authentication in the past, and insufficien t emphasis has been placed o n practicality and continuity among different projects. Research from now on w i ll be centred around the collaboration between Chinese and Western medicine. identifying Research-worthy Medicines and Techniques There are a multitude of Chinese medicinal materials and treatment methods currently in use in mainland China, Hong Kong, and Chinese communities th e world over. Which of them are really effective and deserving of in-depth study? Prof. Leung said that the diverse methods and medicinal materials have first to be screened carefull y to identify those that are worth authenticating. Clinical trials are essential, with traditional formulae and experience of the older generation of practitioners serving as references only. Even though a certain herb ma y be believed t o cure skin problems or a c e r t a i n t y p e o f b o d y massage to alleviate pain, clinical evidence must be sought before researchers embark on any serious in- depth study. Clinical Trial, Authentication, and Drug Making A n d before a certain m a t e r i a l or t r e a t me n t method can be adopted f o r m a l l y , the c l i n i c a l collaboration betwee n the doctors of Chinese medicine and of mo d em medicine is required to observe its effects. Authentication and safety tests have also to be conducted to determine its efficacy at an advanced level. It is only when its efficacy is proven at this level that the material can be promoted or made into quality drugs. There are different levels of drug-making. A t the most primitive level, relevant raw materials are mixed together and The Hong Kong Institute of Biotechnology (HKIB)on campus recently set up the Process Development Facilityfor Chinese Medicine for the downstream development of health food and pharmaceutical products. Chinese Universit y Bulleti n S p r i n g • Summer 2 0 0 0 20