Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 2000
Exhibitions • Master of Architecture P r og r amme Graduation Exhibition took place a t Park Court, Pacific Place, from 19th t o 21st Ma y 2000. Final projects of 3 5 g r a d u a t i ng s t u d e n ts f r om t h e programme were displayed. • Elegance and Radiance — Grandeur in Qi ng Glass: t h e An d r ew K.F Le e Co l l e c t i on t ook p l a c e f r om 15t h September to 5th November 2000 in the West-wing Gallery of the Art Museum. On display were approximately 15 0 pieces o f glass wor k in a variety o f f o r m , colour, a n d w o r km a n s h ip produced i n the Qing dynasty (1644- 1911). These included monochromes, p o l y c h r ome s , ov e r l a y s, e n amel painted, gilded, and carved pieces. Vase, blue overlay on white, Qianlong, 1736-1795 • Early Chinese Glass from the Kwan Collection displaye d ancient Chinese glass from th eEastern Zhou period (770-220 BC) to th eMing dyn a s t y (AD1368—1644) i n t h e E a s t - w i n g Gallery o fthe Art Museum from 15th September to 5th November 2000. Most of the over 200 exhibits ar epersonal ornaments such as beads, hairpins, and bracelets. There ar ealso vessels fo r daily use and buria l objects. A set ofglass plaques inlaid with blue-and- white eye pattern, Warring States period Obituary Dr. H.M. Chang, Senior College Tutor of Ch u ng Chi College, p a s s ed away i n Toronto, Canada o n 16th June 2000 a t the age of 77. CHINES E UNIVERSIT Y BULLETI N Autumn • Winter 2000 66
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