Bulletin Vol. 10 No. 4 Dec 1973
GOVERNMENT & PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Admin. Chairman : D r. Byron S.J. Weng Members : Prof. Shen-yu Dai Dr. Philip Fu Dr. D . H. Henning Dr. Ambrose K i ng D r . Hsin-chi Kuan M r . Andrew W.F. Wong JOURNALISM Admin. Chairman : D r . M i c h a el W e i Members: Prof. N.E. Fehl M r . George Kao M r . Bruce Lee M r . Y i m Lee D r . Theodore J. Ma rr M r . Ma rk A . Reese M r . Stephen C. Soong SOCIAL WORK Admin. Chairman: M r . H a r o l d H o Members : Prof. Alfred J.O. Farina M r . Ho Kam-fai Mrs. Eva B.C. L i K o Miss Anges Ng M r . Andrew W. F. Wong SOCIOLOGY Admin. Chairman : D r. Fai-ming Wong Members : Dr. Chien Chiao Dr. Ching-yan Choi Prof. Richard J. Coughlin Prof. Alfred J.O. Farina M r . Geoffrey H. Guest Dr. William D. Hackett Mrs. Te-hing Tung Ho Dr. Ambrose Y.C. K i ng Dr. Pui-leung Lee Dr. C.K. Liang M r . John T. Myers Dr. Jeannie Lee Ng Dr. Pedro Ng Dr. Terry Tang Dr. Theodora Ting D r. Robert Wilson Dr. C.A. Winton M r . Shau-lam Wong EDUCATION Chairman : Prof. S.L. Kong Members : M r. Kai-sun Chan Mr . S.C. Chang Dr. K.C. Kan Dr. William J.F. Lew Prof. L in Ma Dr. Jeannie Lee Ng Dr. Pedro Ng Dr. Ping-kee Siu Dr. Phillip S.Y. Sun Dr. Peter T . K. Tam Mr . Wang Teh-chao Dr. Chien-sung Wu M r . Leo P.K. Ya m Mrs. Betty Lai-ling Yau U N I V E R S I T Y S C I E N C E C E N T R E O P E N H O U S E I n commemoration of the University's tenth anniversary the University Science Centre held an Open House on 16th and 17th November, 1973 , to give the public an opportunity to observe at first hand the wo rk at the well-equipped Centre. The Science Centre, completed in Ap r il 1972, is the largest building on campus, housing all the science departments (except Mathematics and Computer Science), and this was the first time that it has been opened to the public. Brochures giving information on the different departments were also distributed. A n A d Hoc Open House Committee was formed to take charge of the preparations, but the entire Science Faculty played an active part. They were rewarded for their hundreds of hours of hard work by the enthusiastic response of the community. Eight thousand visitors, the majority of whom were students of secondary schools, were attracted to the demonstrations of experiments, displays and film shows. Recognition was given to the best three displays and demonstrations: Embryonic Development of Triturus Sinenus (Biology), Electrophoresis (Biochemistry), and Laser Diffraction Patterns (Physics). C H I N E S E C U L T U R A L F E S T I V A L To celebrate the Tenth Anniversary of the University, the University Student Un i on hel d a Chinese Cultural Festival f r om 10th to 18th November for the promotion of Chinese culture, better appreciation of Chinese culture among the community and greater solidarity within the student body. Mo re than 500 students assisted in the preparations over the past months. The programme of the Festival was varied, encompassing nearly all aspects of Chinese culture. Major items of the programme included: — 6 —
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