Bulletin Spring‧Summer 2001
Don't think that only engineering students know about computers. Many first-year students majoring in other subjects managed to pass the test very quickly. career development. Some believe tha t the measures are effective in boosting the University's reputation. I n fact a student f r om Taiwan w h o s t umb l ed u p o n this software on the Internet felt it was exactly what she had wanted and requeste d the U n i v e r s i t y t o l e t h e r introduce it to her university or l i n k up to the relevant site. Anthropology major Leung Lap-wai took the test after browsing through the test outline, thinking it would be a piece of cake. However it turned out to be more comprehensive than he had expected and he didn't finish the test on time. He made it on the second go. Leung believes that fundamental IT knowledge is crucial for le arning and working. Biology major Chan Hang-yi had to use the computer very often before becoming a university student. As a volunteer worker she was involved in website production and teaching the elderly to use the computer. She took the test after going through the entire software. Finishing the test within an hour was a challenge but she succeeded. She pointed out that the contents were mostly fundamental and practical material; the test was not particularly difficult but the scope was wide, which made preparation necessary. IT: The Name of the Game 5
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