Bulletin Spring‧Summer 1981

Dr. Ambrose Y.C. King, Head, New Asia College Dr. Ambrose Yeo-chi King obtained his B.A. (Law) from the National Taiwan University in 1957 , M.A. (Political Sciences) from the National Chengchi University, Taiwan in 1959 , and Ph.D. (Public and International Affairs) from the University of Pitts burgh, U.S.A. in 1970. Before coming to Hong Kong, Dr. King had worked as Associate Editor of the Taiwan Com mercial Press, Ltd. and Editor-in-chief of The Eastern Miscellany (東方雜誌) and taught at the National Chengchi University in Taiwan; and undertaken post doctoral research at the Centre for International Studies, University of Pittsburgh. Dr. King joined The Chinese University in 1970 as Lecturer in Sociology at New Asia College. He was promoted Senior Lecturer in 1974 and Reader in 1979. Since 1977, he has been Chairman of the De­ partment of Sociology. Besides teaching, he also served concurrently as Director of the Social Re­ search Centre from 1972 to 73 and as Coordinator of the Kwun Tong Industrial Community Research Project from 1972 to 74. During his sabbatical leave in 1975-76, he was an Associate of Clare Hall, Univer­ sity of Cambridge and Visiting Fellow of the Centre for International Studies, Masachusetts Institute of Technology. Dr. King's Chinese publications include The Historical Development o f Chinese Democratic Thought, From Tradition to Modernity: An Analysis o f Chinese Society and Its Change, The Ecology o f Public Administration, The Modernization o f China and Intellectuals, The Dynamics o f Chinese Modern­ ization and Some Reflections on Cambridge. His English publications include numerous articles in such international academic journals as The British Journal o f Sociology, The Journal o f Social and Political Affairs, Asian Survey, Modern Asian Studies and Southeast Asian Journal o f Social Sciences. Professor Chen Tien-chi, Head, United College Professor Chen Tien-chi was bom in Hong Kong and studied Chemical Engineering at the National Sun Yat-sen University in Canton from 1945 to 1947. He then went to the United States where he obtained the degrees of Sc.B. in Chemistry from Brown University, and M.A. (Chemistry) and Ph.D. (Physics) from Duke University. In 1956, Professor Chen joined the IBM Cor­ poration in the United States and served as Manager and Research Scientist, specializing in computer research, development and application. He also en­ gaged in part-time teaching in Applied Mathematics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at various American universities, including Stanford University and the University of California, Berkeley. Professor Chen joined The Chinese University as Visiting Professor in 1979 , and was appointed Pro­ fessor of Computer Science and Electronics and Acting Head of United College in 1980. He was elected Head of United College in 1981. Professor Chen has published over thirty articles, which cover his research interests in com­ puter architecture, hardware-firmware algorithms, optimal programming, magnetic bubble logic, nu­ merical analysis, Chinese Language Processing and computational quantum chemistry. He is also the owner of thirteen patents. In academic circles, Professor Chen plays an active part. He is Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) of America, and has served as IEEE Computer Society Distinguished Lecturer (National Lecturer) and Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Computers. At present, he is Honorary Advisor, IEEE, Hong Kong and Chair­ man of its Computer Chapter. He is also President of the Chinese Language Computer Society. 2