Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 1993

A f t e r graduating from Ohio State University, he stayed there to wo r k i n the Electro Science Laboratory, firs t as research associate and later as assistant supervisor. In 1975, he joined the Antenna Engineering Department of Ford Aerospace, and was promoted to be supervisor of the Antenna Technology Section four years later. Dr. Hwang joined The Chinese University of Hong Kong as lecturer in electronic engineering in January 1993. Dr . So Kee-long Bi l l y Lecturer in History Dr. Billy So read history at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. A f t e r graduating w i th a B A degree in 1976, he spent two years at the Graduate School studying pre-modem Chinese political institutions and historical geography, and at the same time serving as tutor at the History Department of Chung Chi College. He obtained his M.Phil. degree in 1978 and went to Australian National University to pursue doctoral studies on a Commonwealth scholarship in 1979. Upon completion of his dissertation, which focused on the economic history of coastal Fujian during the medieval times, Dr. So returned to Hong Kong to take up a teaching post at Shue Yan College. He joined the Office of Student Affairs of CUHK in 1985, and worked there until 1987, when he accepted a lectureship in Chinese studies at the National University of Singapore. In early 1993 he joined CUHK again, this time as lecturer in history. Apart from socioeconomic history and historical geography, Dr. So is also interested in Chinese legal history. He has published a book and a number of articles i n academic journals in Taiwan, Singapore, Australia and Europe. Dr. So is married, with a 3-year-old son. Dr . Tsao K i ng - Kwun Lecturer in Government and Public Administration Dr. Tsao graduated f r om the Department of Philosophy at The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1978, and obtained his second bachelor's degree i n political science at the University of California, Santa Cruz. He undertook postgraduate studies in the same discipline and obtained his MA and Ph.D. in political science from the University of Chicago. While studying at the University of Chicago, Dr. Tsao worked as research assistant i n the Center for Strategic and Foreign Study for professors Tang Tsou and Jon Elster, two distinguished scholars whose depth of knowledge and insight greatly inspired him. He became fully convinced of the importance of cross-disciplinary studies and rational discussion. Dr. Tsao conducted research for his doctoral dissertation at Peking University from September 1987 to June 1989 on a scholarship provided by the Committee on Scholarly Communication with the People's Republic of China, the National Academy of Sciences, USA, and a Fulbright-Hays Fellowship granted by the Department of Education of the States. During that two and a half years he came to understand more about the complexity and the diversity o f the Chinese state and society. Dr. Tsao joined The Chinese University as lecturer in government and public administration in August 1989. Profiles 32