Bulletin Number One 1983

to any standard text book on Fortran programming , it is also valuable for independent study. 1st edition 1982 v + 247 pages Paperback Studies in Chinese Archaeology By Cheng Te-k'un The present volume, a collection of some of the author's important archaeological studies published in various learned journals, comprises nine articles which may be classified into three groups. The first three articles are general surveys: ‘The Beginning of Chinese Civilization’, ‘An Introduction to Szechwan Archaeology' and 'Archaeology in Sarawak'. The second group consists of four reports of his field-work in Fukien and Szechwan while the last group includes two miscellaneous reports on "Sketches of archaeological investigations in Hopei, Honan and Shantung" and “Cannons of the Opium War”. These articles, some out of print now, have been carefully re-edited and provided with new references for further reading. Centre for Chinese Archaeology and Art Institute of Chinese Studies Studies Series No.3 1st edition 1982 xii + 148 pages, 45 plates Hardcover Tao Te Ching Translated by D.C. Lau The Language of the Tao Te Ching is succinct to the point of obscurity. Hence each translator is bound to have his own interpretation. This translation, which first appeared in 1963, however, attempts to give a close and faithful translation of the original text as far as possible, independent of the translator's own interpretation. In preparing the present bilingual edition, the translator has made use of the two manuscripts unearthed in Ma Wang Tui in 1973 to emend the text on which the translation was based, and has thus produced a fairly radical revision of the translation which, in its new form, will better help the reader understand the thought of Lao Tzu. 1st edition 1982 xl + 325 pages Hardcover Traditional Government in Imperial China - A Critical Analysis Translated by Ch ü n-tu Hs ü eh & George 0. Totten In this book, Professor Ch'ien Mu, one of China's great living historians, brilliantly describes the basic constitutive elements of China's traditional government as it evolved over the last two thousand years. He concentrates on those dynasties he considers China's most representative: the Han, T'ang, Sung, Ming, and Ch'ing; and critically analyzes, by comparati method, their governmental organization, civil service examination system, taxation and defence. 1st edition 1982 xxii + 160 pages Hardcover The Translation of Things Past Edited by George Kao The twelve essays gathered in this anthology help to illuminate the various aspects of Chinese history and historiography. Topics dealt with include the retrospect and prospect of the study of Chinese history, the political significance of the famous Hung Men Banquet, insights into early Chinese historical works, historiographic criticism, China's secret societies, a poet's view of history, and studies on Hung Hsiu-ch'uan, Kuan Y ü , T'an Ssu-t'ung, Li Hung-chang and Lu Xun. The essays, most of which are translations or adaptations from original Chinese sources, represent the work of over twenty Chinese and Western specialists including Ying-shih Yu, Burton Watson, S.Y. Teng and C.A. Curwen. Together they form a symposium which makes for instructive and diverting reading on a number of historical topics. A Renditions Book 1st edition 1982 204 pages Hardcover Tropical Mushrooms: Biological Nature and Cultivation Methods Edited by S.T. Chang & T.H. Quimio This is probably the most comprehensive book dealing with three groups of tropical mushrooms, Volvariella , Pleurotus and Auricularia. The twenty-five articles, contributed by an international group of twenty-three specialists, deal with the biology, practical cultivation, genetical breeding, methods of preservation and nutritive value of each of the three groups of mushrooms. Such systematic treatment makes it an essential reading for anyone interested in tropical mushrooms. 1st edition 1982 xxi + 493 pages Hardcover Journal and Magazine The Journal of the Institute of Chinese Studies of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Volume XIII, and Renditions, Number 16 of the Translation Division of the Comparative Literature and Translation Centre have been published. An Index to Number 13, 14, 15 and 16 is included in this issue of Renditions. 26 ACADEMIC/CULTURAL EVENTS