Bulletin Number Five 1985
were to a large extent spent to support the publication of the Asian Messenger. Since it ceased to be published in 1982, staff members have been able to pursue a new course of development. The general direction is concerned with pressing issues of the day, such as media aspects of the 1997 issue. The area focus of many research efforts is Hong Kong and China. Recurrent themes touch upon patterns of media use, cognitive, affective and evaluative orientations of media users, and value system of media and other leaders. Other research topics stretch over a wide area ranging from postage stamp communication through Peking opera to reporting literature. The versatility in research proclivity reflects not only the diverse training backgrounds and interests of the individual staff but also the status of the discipline. Future Development As the educational level of our society grows , it is fair to expect higher professional standard than hitherto from our communication workers. However, survey findings show that the need of the media industry for fresh graduates is limited. Comparatively speaking, there is a more urgent need to provide university education to the current practitioners. In light of the above, the Board of Studies decided to introduce a part-time degree programme in communication in due course. After careful analysis of market trends and preliminary consultation with media executives, a part-time degree programme has been designed specifically for the above-said professionals. The benefits they are expected to gain from this programm include (a) an enhanced intellectual horizon, (b) a sound appreciation of communication characteristics in Chinese societies , and (c) a solid knowledge about media management. Dr. Kuan Hsin-chi Chairman , Department of Journalism & Communication Dr. Kuan Hsin-chi has been Chairman of the Department of Journalism & Communication since 1984 , and his profile was published in the No. one 1984 issue of the Chinese University Bulletin. Students of Journalism working on the internship newspaper The New Shatin 32 RECENT DEVELOPMENTS
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