Bulletin Autumn 1978
Farewell Dr. andMrs. Choh-Ming Li The farewell party in honour of the Vice-Chancellor and Mrs. Choh-MingLi, held on 29th September, 1978, was attended by over 700 members of the University, including Council members, staff and students, as well as alumni of the University. At the party, Sir Yuet-keung Kan, Chairman of the University Council, paid tribute to the retiring Vice-Chancellor. Sir Yuet- keung referred to Dr. Li as “Mr. Energy" for “the tremendous dynamism he has shown in his work for the University, the vitality and forcefulness he has put into every aspect of his University-orientedactiv through the 1975/76 financial crisis and for providing the motivating force for many important programmes and projects. University members presented a replica of the University crest to Dr. & Mrs. Li as a souvenir. A bronze bust of Dr. Li will be placed at the entrance of Choh-Ming Li Building for Basic Medical Sciences and two oil portraits of him will be displayed at the Sir Cho-Yiu Conference Hall and at the Institute Sir Yuet-keung Kan presenting a souvenir to Dr. and Mrs. Choh-Ming Li 5
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