Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 1991
(84) From Pfizer Corporation: (a) HK$45,000 for a research project under taken by the Department o f Medicine; (b) the follow ing donations to the Depart ment o f Surgery: — HK$50,000 for a research project; — HK$40 ,000 for a surgical sympo sium; - HK$7, 500 fo r the neurosurgical Friday luncheon meetings; and — HK$10,000 to sponsor a staff mem ber to attend a congress in Korea. (85) From Roche Asian Research Foundation HK$20,000 for a research project undertaken by the Department o f Anaesthesia and Inten sive Care. (86) From Abbott Laboratories Ltd. HK$3,000 to sponsor a staff member o f the Department of Chemical Pathology to attend a congress of clinical chemistry in Crucon, Poland. (87) From Bayer China Co. Ltd. HK$20,000 to spon sor two staff members o f the Department of Medicine to attend an international symposium in Beijing. (88) From the fo llo w in g donors to sponsor an exhibition organized by the Information Engi neering Society: (a) The D.H. Chen Foundation HK$30,000; (b) Chekiang First Bank Ltd. HK$15,000; (c) Hayes M icrocomputer Products (Asia) Ltd. HK$5,500; (d) Dr. Ho Tim HK$10,000; (e) Roctec Enterprises Ltd. HK$ 1,500; and (f) New World Paging Ltd. HK$8,000. (89) F rom D yechem T ra d in g Co. (H K ) L td . HK$11,264.66 to sponsor a staff member of the Department o f Clinical Oncology to attend a conference on cancer in Beijing. (90) From Eisai (HK) Co. Lim ited HK$20,000 to the Department o f Medicine for neurological studies and educational purposes. (91) From the fo llo w in g donors fo r the fourth international imaging course organized by the Department o f Diagnostic Radiology and Organ Imaging: (a) Fuji Photo Products Co. Ltd. HK$10,000; (b) S te rlin g D ru g In te rn a tio n a l In c. HK$5,000; (c) B ru e l & K ja e r Hong Kong L td . HK$20,000; and (d) The British Council £800. (92) From Glaxo Hong Kong Ltd. HK$20,000 to sponsor a staff member o f the Department of Medicine to attend an international congress in Kyoto, Japan. (93) From the follow ing donors for a laparoscopic cholecystectomy workshop organized by the Department o f Surgery: (a) Goodman M e d ic a l Supp lies L td . HK$40,000; (b) Stryker Pacific Ltd. HK$50,000; and (c) Inchcape Hong Kong Ltd. HK$20,000. (94) From the fo llow in g donors fo r an interna tional conference organized by the Institute of Chinese Studies: (a) Dr. Ho Sin-hang HK$35,000; and (b) Mr. Wu Jieh Yee HK$35,000. (95) From IC I (China) Limited HK$13,000 to spon sor a staff member o f the Department o f Anaes thesia and Intensive Care to attend a meeting in Basel, Switzerland. (96) From Milupa AG Representative Office, Hong Kong HK$15,000 to sponsor a staff member o f the Department o f Paediatrics to attend an international congress in Madrid, Spain. (97) From Novo Nordisk A/s HK$3,000 to the Department o f Obstetrics and Gynaecology for the postgraduate educational activities. (98) From Roche Pharmaceuticals & Chemicals Ltd. HK$21,662 to sponsor a staff member o f the Department o f Clinical Oncology to attend a meeting in USA. (99) From Sandoz Pharmaceuticals Ltd. HK$8,490 to sponsor a staff member o f the Department o f Clinical Pharmacology to attend an interna tional symposium in Beijing. (100) From the U n ive rsa l M e rcan tile Co. L td . HK$ 1,000 for the third international imaging course organized by the Department o f Diag nostic Radiology and Organ Imaging. (101) From Vascotech Co. Ltd. HK$30,000 to spon sor a staff member o f the Department o f Medi cine to attend a meeting in Calgary, Canada. (102) From various donors HK$229,133 towards the Children's Cancer Fund o f the Department of Paediatrics. (103) From various donors HK$1,500 towards the Hong Kong Paediatric Bone Marrow Transplant Fund o f the Department o f Paediatrics. (104) From Mr. Chan Pak Keung a batch o f cardiology equipment to the Department of Medicine. G 36
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