Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 1991

taught at the Hong Kong Baptist College and the C ity Polytechnic o f Hong Kong. He now offers courses in organizational behaviour, principles o f management, and business policy. Dr. Lau's main research interests are organiza­ tional culture, managerial cognition, and organiza­ tional change and development. His doctoral dis­ sertation, ‘A Schematic Approach to the Management o f Cultural Change', is a study of the dimensions of change schema and factors affecting the development o f change schema. He is currently working on several projects related to organizational change schema, organizational justice, management's perception o f organizational change, and organizational develop ment practices in Hong Kong. Dr. Lau has consulted for various non-profit- making organizations, including voluntary welfare agencies, churches, and social service centres. He has published articles in academic journals and presented papers at conferences o f the Academy o f Management and the Academy o f International Business. D r. Wen-ying L in L e c t u r e r in E d u c a t i o n a l Psychology Dr. Wen-ying L in graduated from National Taiwan Uni versity o f Education with a B.Ed, degree in 1984, and obta ined her M A degree from Southern Illinois Uni versity in 1986. She then pur sued doctoral studies at the University of Florida, specializing in educational testing, evaluation and research. She was awarded the PEO International Peace Scholarship from 1988 to 1990 and obtained her Ph.D. degree in 1991. Dr. Lin 's major research interests are applied statistics, statistical research methodology of educa tion, design o f experiments, multivariate analysis, measurement and evaluation, and item response theory. Dr. Lin is a member o f the Hong Kong Educa­ tional Research Association and the Comparative Education Society o f Hong Kong. M r. M a rk L. Sheldon Director, Office o f Academic Links A g raduate o f I llin o is Wesleyan U n ive rsity, M r. Mark L. Sheldon attended the University o f Hawaii and the East-West Center fo r graduate studies in interna­ tional relations and Chinese studies. As part o f this pro­ gramme, he lived and studied in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and the Philippines. For five years from 1973, Mr. Sheldon was seminar designer on the staff o f the Church Centre for the United Nations in New York City. In 1979 , he became consultant and programme associate for the United Methodist China Programme, part o f the W orld D ivision o f the General Board o f Global Ministries. From 1980 to 1981, Mr. Sheldon was director o f the China Programme o f the United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia, an educational foundation with major programme activities in Asia. In 1982, he was named programme associate for the Public Affairs Department o f the Asia Society (New York) with responsibility for the Society's 'America's Asian Agenda for the 1980' s' programme and the 'Media Relations Programme', an effort designed to enhance US press coverage o f Asia. In late 1982, he joined the Yale-China Asso ciation as associate director in the organization's home o ffice at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut. He came to Hong Kong in 1983 to take PROFILES 23