Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 1991
large proportion of them are married (33.6 per cent). Of these, 61.6 per cent have one or more children. Educational Background About 39 per cent of the respondents have at one time or another attended post-secondary institutions after secondary schooling, while 54.7 per cent are graduates from colleges of education. Occupation The new part-time students come from diverse occupational sectors. Nearly 57 per cent of them come from the education sector, 20.9 per cent from various government units, close to 16 per cent from commerce and industry, and 3.8 per cent from social service organizations. Most of these students have chosen to enrol in subjects that relate to their work. To illustrate, 74.2 per cent of those enrolled in the Chinese and English Programme, 65 per cent of those in the Mathematics and Statistics Programme, 89 per cent of those in the Physical Education Programme, 87.4 per cent of those in the Music Programme and 93.5 per cent of those in the Primary Education Programme are from the teaching profession. In the Business Admin istration Programme, 61.2 per cent of the entrants come from various occupations in commerce and industry. Working Experience About 52 per cent of the students have working experience of less than six years, while 26.6 per cent have worked for over 10 years. About 6.5 per cent of the new students have monthly salaries below $7,000 while some 11 per cent earn over $ 2 1 ,0 0 0 per month , the average being $13 , 160. As for the financing of university education, 87 per cent of the respondents report that the major source is their own salary while 17 per cent have to rely on their personal savings. Ave rage years o f w o rk in g experience a n d median sa la ry : by p ro g ramm e P rog ramm e W o rk in g Expe rience (av yrs) M ed ian S a la ry (HK$) Biology & Chemistry Chinese & English Business Administration Mathematics & Statistics Music Nursing Physical Education Primary Education Overall 4.9 4.2 4.7 4.0 6.5 11.4 5.8 12.9 6.4 9,958.3 10,760.9 10,136.4 10,722.2 9,000.0 19,000.0 11,571.4 20,142.9 11,318.2 Mot iv ati on About 60 per cent of the entrants aspire after a bachelor's degree and some 52 per cent hope to learn a subject of interest. Another major reason for pursuing a university education is to use their spare time to acquire further professional knowledge. □ STUDENTS 21
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