Bulletin Summer‧Autumn 1991
(22) From Kodak (Far East) Ltd. HK$68,000 for a project on Cantonese opera undertaken by Dr. Chan Sau-yan o f the Department o f Music. (23) From Kraft General Foods (Asia-Pacific) Ltd. HK$24,500 for a research programme on natural colour conducted by Prof. Yan Bingzong from Tianjin Teachers University during his visit in the Department o f Biology. (24) From Medical Research Council HK$3,870 to the Department o f Community and Fam ily Medicine for research activities. (25) From Nutricia Foundation donations totalling HK$95,500 to the Department o f Community and Family Medicine for research activities. (26) From Merck Sharp & Dohme (Asia) Ltd.: (a) HK$780,000 for a research project under taken by the Department o f Medicine; and (b) HK$6,026 to the Department o f Chemical Pathology for research activities. (27) From Novo Nordisk A/s donations totalling HK$79,021 for a jo in t trial undertaken by the Department o f Medicine. (28) From Nutricia Export B.V. HK$53,352 for a research project undertaken by the Depart ment o f Surgery. (29) From Nutricia (Asia) Ltd. HK$120,000 for a research project undertaken by the Depart ment o f Community and Family Medicine. (30) From Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.: (a) HK$ 185,000 for a research project under taken by the Department o f Surgery; and (b) HK$5,000 to the Department o f Clinical Pharmacology for research activities. (31) From Pfizer Corporation HK$15,000 fo r a research project undertaken by the Depart ment o f Obstetrics and Gynaecology. (32) From the Recreation and Culture Branch of the Government Secretariat HK$200,000 for an archaeological project undertaken by the Institute o f Chinese Studies. (33) From Trans Bussan HK Ltd. HK$25,000 for a clinical study undertaken by the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology. (34) From the U n iv e rs ity o f A lbe rta , Canada Can$10,000 for a research project undertaken by the M u lti-d iscip line Laboratories o f the Faculty o f Medicine. (35) From Visiray Pty Limited HK$100,000 to the Department o f Surgery fo r educational and research activities. (36) From Allen & Hanburys: (a) HK$3,000 for a meeting o f family medi cine tutors organized by the Department o f Community and Family Medicine; and (b) HK$29,495 to sponsor a staff member o f the Department o f Surgery to attend a conference in Glasgow, UK. (37) From Armedic Far East Ltd. HK$21,000 to sponsor a staff member o f the Department of Medicine to attend a conference in Washington DC, USA. (38) From Farmitalia Carlo Erba (HK) Ltd.: (a) HK$35,000 to sponsor a staff member o f the Department o f Medicine to attend a conference in Washington DC, USA; and (b) HK$25,000 to sponsor a staff member o f the Department o f Clinical Oncology to attend a scientific meeting in Houston, Texas, USA. (39) From Bristol-Myers (HK) Ltd. HK$20,000 to sponsor a staff member o f the Department o f Clinical Oncology to attend a scientific meeting in Houston, Texas, USA. (40) From The Asia Foundation US$5,000 fo r a symposium organized by the Department o f Journalism and Communication. (41) From Astra Pharmaceuticals Sweden: (a) HK$40,000 to sponsor two staff members o f the Department o f Medicine to attend a conference in Anaheim, California, USA; and (b) HK$15,000 to sponsor a staff member o f the Department o f Surgery to attend a symposium in Bangkok, Thailand. (42) From Besins Iscovesco Paris HK$4,120 to sponsor a staff member o f the Department o f Obstetrics and Gynaecology to attend a con gress in Bangkok, Thailand. (43) From Brand's Essence o f Chicken (Cerebos) HK$10,000 to sponsor the Post-secondary Debate 1991 finals. (44) From Burroughs Wellcome & Co. (HK ) Ltd.: (a) HK$10,000 for an intensive course on the cornea organized by the Department o f Surgery; and (b) HK$12,000 to sponsor a staff member o f the Department o f Medicine to attend a meeting in Nagoya, Japan. (45) From M r. Chan Pak Keung HK$35,200 to purchase books fo r distribution to doctors in GIFTS&DONATIONS 28
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