Bulletin Spring‧Summer 1991
Dr. Choh-Ming Li as a Father Extracts from the Vote of Thanks by Mr. Winston Li Today we have heard about the many careers of Dr. Choh- Ming Li, but no discussion of his life would be complete without mentioning his role as a family man, for it was as a loving father that he was known to me, his eldest, and to my younger sister and brother, and toward the end as a happy grandfather to my 5.5 month old nephew Gary, who came along just in time to brighten the twilight of my father's life. Of course Cary today is too young to remember his grandfather. He will hear from me that his grandfather was generous and fair to his children. He had that rare wisdom of non-interference with his children's lives and immense patience to give us room to grow, but he also let us know that he would always be there for us when and if we needed him. His advice was never given freely, but it was there whenever we sought it. He was quick and generous with his approval and just as quickly we would feel his disapproval. Although he would not confront us, we always knew whether we were doing the right thing. From the beginning he just always seemed to have a plan, a vision for us, just like he had always had one for his beloved Chinese University of Hong Kong. We have learned from his public achievements that my father had a tremendous will to succeed, and he carried that will into his private life, too. Be it in physical games like tennis or mental games like bridge, he would always play to his fullest ability to try to beat us. Of course he did not always win, but it was not from lack of trying. He would never give up. I know this first hand, because many times he had turned the scores against me from my seemingly invincible positions. He just never deviated from his wil l to win. And so, it is his vision, and his will to win, that have become his legacies to his children. And we will pass these legacies on to his grandchild. In Memory of Dr. C. M. Li 11
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