Bulletin Summer 1989
Cultural Events 氺 The Department of Mu s ic organized the following activities: — A vocal masterclass by Professor Wan Ke Zheng, professor and chairman of Voice Department, Shanghai Conservatory of Music, on 6th April. — A vocal demonstration recital by Professor Wan Ke Zheng, with Professor David Gwilt at the piano, on 11th April. - A Chinese music concert by the CUHK Chinese Orchestra on 18th April. * The University Library System organized the following exhibitions: —T he ‘French Revolution' exhibition, jointly organized with the Consulate General of France to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the French Revolution, from 6th to 16th April at the University Library. — A n exhibition on Chinese calligraphy and seals by Mr. Jin Long from 15th to 21st May at the University Library. Mr. Jin Long is an active member of various ca l l i g r aphy associations and is at present working in the Shenzhen Public Library. * The Department of Physiology and the Hong Kong Society of Neuroscience jointly organized a seminar on 'Peptides in the Dorsal Horn' conducted by Professor Arthur Duggan of the Department of Pre-clinical Veterinary Science, Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Study, Edinburgh University, UK, on 13th April. * The Department of Paediatrics organized the following lectures: —'Metabolic and Endocrine Aspects of Pain in I n f a n cy and C h i l d h o od — A r e There Implications for Improvement in Clinical Care?' by Professor A. Aynsley-Green of the Department of Child Health, the University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, on 19th April. — ' A Clinical Trial of Iron Fortified Formula versus Whole Cows M i lk between Ages six and twelve Months in Chinese Infants' by Dr. A l i ce Chan Y i p, assistant professor of Paediatrics, McGill University and director, Pe r i na t al P r og r am, Mo n t r e al Chinese Hospital, Canada, on 30th May. * The Department of Chemistry organized the following seminars: —'Mini-Symposium on Organic Synthesis' on 21st April. Several academics from Taiwan spoke at the symposium. - ‘ Separation of Chiral Molecules with GC and HPLC’ by Professor L in Bingcheng, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Academia Sinica, China, on 28th April. —‘Mo l ecu l ar Recognition in Clathrates' by Professor Israel Goldberg of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of California, on 8th May. — ' P r e p a r a t i on and Study o f H i g h Tc Superconducting Thin Films for Electronic Applications' by Dr. Siu Wai Chan, Bell Communications Research, USA, on 2nd June. —'Enantioselective Synthesis Mediated by Chiral, Configurationally Stable Allyllithium Derivatives' by Professor D. Hoppe, Institut f ü r Organische Chemie, Universit ä t Kiel, West Germany, on 9th June. — ‘ Environmental Protection in Hong Kong' by Dr. C.W. Lau, acting principal environmental protection officer, Environmental Protection Department, Hong Kong, on 16th June. - ' C h e m i c al Modificatio n of Solid Surfaces' by Pr o f essor E dmo nd I. K o of the Department of Chemi cal Eng i nee r i ng, Carnegie-Mellon University, USA, on 21st June. —‘Frontiers in Analytical Spectroscopy' by Pr o f essor Ca rmen W . K . Hu ie of the Department of Chemistry, State University of New York at Binghamton, USA, on 23rd 14
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