Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 1981
Seminar on Mode m Chines e Literatur e A Seminar on Modem Chinese literature, organized by the Department of Chinese Language and Literature of this University, was held o n 21st-23rd December, 1981. The Seminar, chaired by Professors T.T. Chow and D.C. Lau, discussed modem Chinese literature and other related topics with special emphasis o n literature of southern China in the forties. More than twenty speakers, among whom were writers and scholars from Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Guilin, Nanjing and Jinan, presented papers and took part in discussions. Scholars in Taiwan, though unable to attend the Seminar, also sent in papers. In his keynote address, Professor T.T. Chow described the 1940's as "a dramatic and stirring age, a turning point in modem Chinese history after the 1911 Revolution, the May 4th Movement and the Northern Expedition". However,he deplored the fact that writers o f this period had been neglected for more than thirty years, and urged various parties concerned to collect, preserve, systematize and republish first-hand data on the literature of the forties, most of which were either poorly printed or lost. " It i s essential ," he said, "that the works of writers with different viewpoints and styles should remain intact when published, for only then can we carry on the long-standing and fine tradition of Chinese literature." The Seminar consisted of six sessions, chaired respectively by Professor T.T. Chow, Professor W.L . Yip, Mr. K.C. Yu , Mr. C.H. Sheung, all from this University, and Dr. L.Y. Chiu from the University of Hong Kong. The following papers were presented at the Seminar: Lou Qi , "Literary Movements in southern China i n the 40's" L. Y. Chiu , "Studies on Modem Chinese Literature in the 40's: Data and Methods" Chen Ji-ying , "The Evolution of Chinese literature in the 40's" Wai-lim Yip, "Perspectives in the Study of Poetry in the 40's" Wang Xin-di, "Styles and Features of Modern Chinese Poetry in Shanghai in the 40's" Huang Yao-mian , "A Review of Huang Ning-ying's Poem, 'Retreat'" Yu Kwang-chung , "Palm-Reading for Wang Xin-di: An Analysis of His Poems" Tang Tao, "Shanghai Literature in the Mid-Forties" Ke Ling ," A Look at Play-Writing in Shanghai during the Japanese Occupation" Liu Yi-chang, "Huai-zheng —a Shanghai Publisher in the 40's" Ding Jing-tang , "Lu Xun Studies in Shanghai in the Early 40's" Li Huo-yan, "Shanghai Magazines Published i n the 40's and Now Collected i n the FungPing Shan Library, University of Hong Kong" Lin Huan Ping, "The Literary Achievements of Mao Dun in Hong Kong and Guilin in the 40's" Yeh Zi Ming , "Literary Reviews of Mao Du n in the 40's" Wong Kai-chee , "Forms of National literature: An Evaluation o f the Discussions Held i n Southern China and Chong Qing" Lo Wai Luen, "The Organization and Activities o f the Association of Chinese Literary Bodies, Hong Kong Chapter" Tien Zhong Ji , “literary Works of Wang Tong-zhao in the 40's" Gaylord Leung ," Scholars’ Prose" Robert Ruhlmann , "Realism and Tragedy in Some Short Stories by Zheng Ding Wen" Chan Ping Leung & Wong Tak Wai, “The Theme of Initiation in Chang Ai-ling's Short Stories" Ng Mau Sang ," ShortStories of Li Kwang Tien" Kung Lo Sun ," An Outline of Chinese Literature in the 40's” WuHong Cong , “On the Artistic Value of The Story of Xia Qiao: The Character and Style o f the Author" Liu Xi Cheng , "Zhao Shu Li's Short Stories i n the 40's” Li You, “ A New Literary Form in the 40's" In his concluding address, Professor D.C. Lau described th e Seminar as fruitful, and called fo r systematic and concerted efforts to collect, sort out and publish materials on modern Chinese literature, to be made available to scholars from various regions. The Department of Chinese Language and Literature is, in fact, planning to set up a centre for reference materials on modern Chinese literature , and the proceedings of this Seminar, will be the first set o f materials to be collected. 14
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