Bulletin Number Three 1983
evaluate the progress they have made in the ALE syllabus in the Form 6 year and their language standard. It is not a competitive public examination. Candidates w ith pro visional offers who satisfy the specified entrance requirements in this scholastic assessment w ill be formally admitted and must enrol in autumn o f the same year. (5) Candidates who are given provisional offers, regardless o f whether they are studying in the one-year or the two-year stream, are expected to be students who have per formed outstandingly in various areas. For that reason, the University anticipates that the great majority o f these candidates should have no problem in fu lfilling the formal entrance requirements for enrolment after completing one year o f sixth-form study. (6) Applying for early assessment on the strength o f CEE results is the first oppor tunity open to all sixth-form students who wish to seek admission into the University. Under the new system, all o f them also have a second chance to apply. Students in the one-year stream who are w ithout a provisional offer can complete their sixth- form study and apply for entry on the strength o f their HLE results. The Univer sity w ill set aside an appropriate proportion o f its places for this group so that they w ill still have a realistic chance for admission. Students in the two-year stream who do not have a provisional offer may proceed to Form 7. I f they are still interested in entry to the University, they can apply for exemption o f the HLE on the strength o f their ALE results. Form 7 students can apply in the same year in which they sit for the ALE, and if admitted, can enrol in the same year as first-year students in the Uni versity. (7) Besides sixth-form students in the two streams, young men and women who are working may study on their own the HLE or the ALE syllabus, and if they are interested in the University, they can apply w ith the results obtained in one o f these examinations. Professorial Inaugural Lecture Professor Thomas C.W. Mak, Professor o f Chemistry, delivered his Professorial Inaugural Lecture, 'Crystallo graphy and Modem Chemistry', on 13th May. Vice-Chancellor Invited to Join Royal Society o f Arts Dr. Ma Lin, the Vice-Chancellor, was invited to join the Royal Society o f Arts as Honorary Corresponding Member in Hong Kong for a period o f four years. The appointment is the first o f its kind ever made in Hong Kong. The Society was established in 1754 in the United Kingdom to encourage the development o f arts, manufactures and commerce. Obituary The University records w ith deep regret the passing away o f Dr. Richard C. Lee, Vice-Chairman o f the University Council, on 6th July, 1983. Born in Hong Kong in 1905, Dr. Lee was edu cated at Oxford University where he obtained the Bachelor's and Master's Degrees in Engineering. In 1964 , he was honoured by both this University and the University o f Hong Kong when he received two honorary degrees (LL.D .) w ithin the same year. For over three decades, Dr. Lee was aprominent figure in the local business community. He was Chair man o f the Hysan Development lim ited and o f the Hong Kong and China Gas Co. Ltd., and served as director o f a number o f banks and other business concerns. In addition, he also made important contri butions in public services as a member o f the Urban, Legislative and Executive Councils. He also sat on numerous official consultative bodies including the Board o f Education and the Public Services Com mission. In recognition o f his outstanding service to the community, Dr. Lee was appointed a Justice o f the Peace in 1946 , was awarded the O.B.E. in 1949 , and the C.B.E. in 1963. A t The Chinese University, Dr. Lee w ill be remembered for his contribution to Hong Kong's educational development and his efforts to help build this University from the early 60s to the present day. He was one o f the key figures in the community who mobilized social support for the establishment o f The Chinese University o f Hong Kong and also actively took part in the planning o f the institution. When the University was founded in 1963 , Dr. Lee became the Vice-Chairman o f the University Council. He was also Chairman o f the University's Campus Planning Com mittee and o f the Tender Board. For more than twenty years, Dr. Lee has been closely associated w ith the University. His death is indeed a great loss to the academic community. How ever, his unfailing efforts in bringing our institution into being and charting the course o f developments in our magnificiently built campus through two decades shall always be remembered w ith appreciation. NEWS 3
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