Bulletin Number Four 1987
Ded ica tion Ceremony o f R. C. Lee Lecture H a ll A dedication ceremony took place at The Chinese University o f Hong Kong on 17th September when the University named its Science Centre Lecture Hall Complex ‘The R.C. Lee Lecture Hall' as a perpetual memorial to the late Dr. R.C. Lee, formerly Vice- Chairman o f the University Council, who gave so much to the community and to the University. Bom in Hong Kong in 1905 , Dr. R.C. Lee was educated at Oxford University where he obtained the BA and MA Degrees. He was widely known not only as a prominent figure in the local business com munity, but also for his long and impressive record of public services in particular in the area o f education. In recognition o f his outstanding contributions to the community, he was awarded the OBE in 1949 and the CBE in 1963 as well as honorary degrees from the two local universities. It was through his selfless efforts in the late fifties that led to the es tablishment o f this University in 1963. Attending the ceremony were over 100 guests, including members o f the University as well as family and friends o f Dr. Lee. The Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Ma Lin, paid tribute to Dr. Lee for his great contribution to the development o f the University and its campus in his address. The commemorative plague was unveiled by Mrs. Esther Lee, widow o f Dr. Lee. A t the conclusion o f the ceremony, the Vice-Chancellor presented a University emblem to Mrs. Lee as a tribute to the Lee family for their unceasing support to the University. The R.C. Lee Lecture Hall is a circular structure o f unusual design, located between and connected to the North and South Blocks o f the Science Centre, w ith a net usable area o f 533 sq.m ., it comprises five well-equipped lecture theatres w ith a total seating capacity o f 622. Bearing the large University crest on the wall that faces the tree-lined University Mall, the R.C. Lee Lecture Hall is a major landmark on campus. Address by the Vice-Chancellor Mrs. Lee, Dr. Lee, Ladies and Gentlemen, Today is a special occasion for The Chinese University, because we are gathering here to honour a long-time benefactor who had played a key role in the history o f the University. Until his untimely death on 6th July, 1983, the late Dr. Richard Charles Lee was a staunch supporter o f the University ever since its foundation in 1963. He was one o f the key figures in the com munity who mobilized social support for the establish ment o f our University and later actively took part in the planning o f the institution. Over the years, Dr. Lee gave generously to the University o f his time and wise counsel. He had cham pioned the cause o f the University, and had worked indefatigably to secure for our campus an ideal site. We now have yet more reason to express our grati tude, for under the terms o f the w ill o f Dr. Lee, the University w ill receive a bequest o f approximately HK$20 m illion. We w ill use this money for the purpose o f enhancing academic development, re search and campus development, in accordance w ith Dr. Lee's wishes. It is therefore completely fitting and significant that the Council has approved the naming o f the Science Centre Lecture Hall Complex after Dr. R.C. Lee. On the one hand, it w ill serve to perpetuate the long-standing friendship the Lee fam ily has shown to the University, and on the other, it is an expression o f the University's heartfelt gratitude to a great bene factor. In this connection, I would like to offer our sincere thanks to Dr. Lee Wing Tat who has kindly contributed HK$5 m illion towards the cost o f re novating this Hall. Finally, I thank you all for your presence at this particularly meaningful occasion. 14
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