Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 2001
Golden Jubilee Banquet Close to 2,000 guests, teaching staff, and a l umni attended the golden jubilee banquet, wh i ch too k place on 27th October i n the new w i n g of the H o n g Ko n g Convention an d Exhibition Centre. A l u m n i returning f r om overseas, ho l d i n g their class flags, formed a procession to enter the banquet hall. The college anthem was then sung an d speeches were given by Mr. George Hu n g , Prof. A r t h u r K . C Li, and Prof. Rance Lee. The banquet wa s accompanied b y performances given by members of the college and their offsprings. Overseas alumni on-stage with their class flags Children andgrandchildren ofstaff members and alumni of thecollege,attired asthe Eight Immortals in Chineselegend,presenting a peach of longevity to Chung Chi W o r k i n g T o g e t h e r t o S c a l e N e w H e i g h t s Head of Chung Chi College, Prof, Ranee Lee believes that the new generation of leaders for Hong Kong need to possess a broad knowledge base and an awareness of international affairs. They also need to have a genuine concern for the well-being of the territory and a desire to serve the community. These qualities cannot be taught through the formal curriculum,and hence the college has always emphasized the importance of general and non-formal education in the nurturing of all-rounded students. 'I hope all members of the college will draw on the rich tradition built up over the past 50 years to attain in the next 50 years achievements even more deserving of celebration, ‘ Prof. Lee said. Chung Chi College Celebrates-Golden Jubilee 47
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