Bulletin No. 2, 2011

Afterword By enlivening knowledge and applying it to all aspects in society, the University fulfils its third mission. With the rapid increase in knowledge transfer activities at CUHK, we are moving to a better world. Greening Home and Society   19  a hand can fully charge a mobile phone in three hours under sunlight. It can also be used as power supply for aerospace and military devices, as well as electric cars. When Prof. Lau Wan-yee Joseph , master of Lee Woo Sing College, learnt of this innovative invention, he approached Professor Xiao to discuss the possibility of installing CIGS solar panels on the roof of the College’s student hostel. Professor Lau said, ‘Lee Woo Sing College is committed to upholding green principles. The CIGS solar system can generate 25% more electricity than conventional solar systems even when there’s insufficient sunlight. It’s ecological and zero-carbon, and its use can help to raise students’ environmental awareness. Implementing the CIGS solar panels also conveys a positive and encouraging message to the public that our College, as a member of CUHK, supports knowledge transfer activities. And of course, the College is providing a platform for Professor Xiao to fine-tune the system before launching it in the market.’ The College has approved the installation of CIGS solar panels in principle and planning is underway. Professor Xiao said, ‘I am glad to have a platform to demonstrate the technology and the transition from the lab to society.’ Prof. Lau Wan-yee Joseph