Bulletin Spring‧Summer 1981
the prevailing annual tuition fee of a student, three to students of the School of Education and three to students of the Boards of Studies in Chinese, History and Philosophy with effect from the academic year 1981/82. (20) From the Hang Seng Bank Ltd. a donation of HK$10,000 for helping students to attend summer courses in a French university. (21) From Mrs. Pearl Wu Young an annual donation of HK$8,000 starting from 1981-82 being the Young Fou Kong Scholarship in Eastern Philosophy Studies. (22) From the Lee Foundation a sum of HK$1,000 towards the expenses of the study tour of Dr. R.H. Crompton of the Department of Ana tomy. (23) From Dr. Yuen Chung Lau a donation of HK$1,000 for two awards of HK$500 each to be known as the ‘Dr. Yuen Chung Lau Educa tion Thesis Award' and the Dr. ‘Yuen Chung Lau Education Research Paper Award'. (24) From Dr. Leung Yun a donation of HK$ 1,000 for two awards of HK$500 each to be known as the 'Lau Sui Ying Education Thesis Award' & the 'Lau Sui Ying Education Research Paper Award'. (25) From the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. an annual donation of HK$500 starting from the academic year 1980-81 to a student in the Department of Electronics to be known as the "I.E.E.E. Prize". (26) From the respective donors increases in the following grants/scholarships: (a) Sino-British Fellowship Trust grant from £1,000 to £1,500 annually with effect from 1981. (b) Hong Kong Daily News Scholarships from two to three awards each in the amount of HK$2,500 from the academic year 1980/81. (c) Rho Psi Foundation an additional amount of US$200 for three Rho Psi Service-Leadership scholarships raising the value of one to US$300 and two to US$150 each with effect from the aca demic year 1980/81. (d) University Lodge Masonic Bursary from HK$1,500 to HK$2,000 with effect from the academic year 1980/81. (e) Rho Psi Fraternity H.K. Chapter Scholar ship from HK$1,000 to HK$1,500 with effect from the academic year 1980/81. Publication Projects (27) From the Wideland Foundation Limited a donation of HK$200,000 for the development of quality teaching materials in Chinese. (28) From The Asia Foundation a grant of US$6,000 as partial subsidy for the first two issues of a new translation journal. (29) From the Arthur Anderson & Co. a donation of HK$11,500 to the Office of Student Affairs (Appointments Service) to sponsor the publica tion of ‘Hints for First Job Seekers'. Antiques (30) From Mr. Rogerio Lam: (a) seven pieces of ceramics at a total cost of £188,992.50; (b) two pieces of ceramics at a total cost of approximately HK$600,000. Miscellaneous (31) From The Asia Foundation a grant of HK$87,200 in partial support of the new Diploma Course in Advanced Translation. (32) From the Trustees of Lingnan University a grant of US$10,000 to assist representatives from the People's Republic of China who wish to study at The Chinese University. (33) From the Yale-China Association the following grants: (a) HK$7,000 in support of the visit of three contemporary authors from China to give lectures and seminars; (b) HK$5,000 in support of the visit of Mr. Hsieh Chi-liu, Advisor of the Shanghai Museum of Art; (c) HK$7,500 in support of one or several graduate students from the People's Republic of China to attend the M.Phil. Programme in Comparative Literature. (34) From the Ma Family a donation of HK$10,000 for faculty development. (35) From a group of alumni two prizes of HK$500 each to two members of the Varsity Ladies' Volley-ball Team on the basis of attendance, sportsmanship, good overall academic perform ance and enthusiasm in volley-ball games. (36) From the United College Alumni Association a donation of HK$1,000 for supporting the activities of United College Student Union. 25
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