Bulletin Spring‧Summer 1993

California, San Diego. Prio r to j o i n i ng this university as lecturer in psychology last August, he worked as a McDonnell-Pew postdoctoral fellow at the Center for Cognitive Neuroscience at San Diego. Mr . Robert Stone Lecturer in Journalism & Communication Mr. Stone is a Canadian who comes to the University's Department of Journalism and Communication from an active career i n bo th p r i nt and broadcast journalism. His work has taken him to many of the world's ‘hot spots' such as Central America, the Middle East and South Asia. Before joining this university he was posted as a correspondent for two years in Beijing. Mr. Stone is a frequent contributor of political analysis editorials to a number of newspapers and journals in both Canada and the United States and is the author of a book, After the Fire' s Gone Out, which deals with the Nicaraguan revolution. He was also the recipient, in 1988, of Canada's National Magazine Award for political analysis. His curren t research interests include Chinese history and foreign policy. Mr. Stone is also an avid amateur musician. The photograph used for his profile is the work of his photography student in this university, Miss Cheung Wang-yim. The Rev. Dr. Kim-Kwong Chan Chaplain of Chung Chi College Bom of Catholic parents, the Rev. Dr. Kim-Kwong Chan was educated in Hong Kong and Canada, graduating B.Sc. in nutrition from McG i ll University, M.Div. from the China Graduate School of Theology, M A (Economic Ethics) and Ph.D. (Sinology) from the University of Ottawa, and L.Th. and D.Th. f r om Pontifical St. Paul University, majoring in Chu r ch h i s t o ry and ecclesiology. Before entering the ministry, Dr. Chan worked as a dietician and had serve d as president of the Hong Kong Nutrition Association. A member of the United Church of Canada, Dr. Chan received ordination from the Christian National's Evangelism Commission (CNEC) East As ia F i e l d, and ha s served in evange l i cal organizations such as the Evangelical Industrial Fellowship and the Alliance Bible Seminary. He was senior pastor of the CNEC Fellowshi p Church for five years, and has given courses and lectures in seminaries and universitie s all over the world, including such places as Outer Mongolia and Siberia. Dr. Chan is also honorary research fellow of the East Asian Department at the University of Leeds and visiting professor of the Department of Philosophy at Hangzhou University. Dr. Chan has publishe d many articles in academic journals in the areas of theology, Church history and China studies. Other publications include Towards a Contextual Ecclesiology: The Catholic Church in the People's Republic of China 1979-1983 (1987), The Life of St. Anthony (in Chinese, 1990), and Struggling for Survival: The Catholic Church in China 1949-1970 (1992). He is also the co-author of Prayers and Thoughts of Chinese Christians (1991), A Strong Movement in the Making: Protestants in China, 1990 (in Chinese, 1992), and Protestantism in Contemporary China (1993). Dr. Chan took up his new post as chaplain of Chung Chi College in January 1993. He is concurrently warden of M i ng Hua Tang and honorary lecturer of the Department of Religion. PROFILES 20