Bulletin No. 1, 2010

Humanities · Humanity · Humankind  13 the methods of the social sciences. This interdisciplinary approach provides us with new perspectives and opportunities for new ventures,’ said the director of the centre, Prof. Desmond Hui. The centre has been commissioned by the HKSAR Government to study the manpower needs of Hong Kong’s ar t s and cultural sector, and by the Housing Department and a property developer to install public art in Yau Tong Housing Estate. It has brought in international experts to speak on topical issues such as inviting Julie Ramage, creative and digital sector specialist and lead consultant in the development of Bradford’s bid to become the first UNESCO City of Film, to share her experience of put ting together a bid for Bradford City of Film, and how Bradford and the other UK cities in the UNESCO Creative Cities network, namely, Edinburgh City of Literature and Glasgow City of Music, aspire to use cultural development to address economic and social impacts. ‘A lot of people from the government and other interested groups came to that talk. We hope our events will have actual impact on Hong Kong’s cultural policy,’ remarked Professor Hui. The centre’s advisory board of experts from Australia, Thailand, China, India, Spain, the UK and the US, ensures that it stays well connected to the international community.