Bulletin Summer‧Autumn 1991

Satisfactory Results in Recent Years Through the efforts o f the Research Committee, the subject panels, as well as faculty members com­ mitted to research, the research proposals submitted through the University to the University and Poly­ technic Grants Committee (UPGC) have successfully attracted both direct and earmarked grants from the government fo r research. The number o f research projects supported has been on the steady increase since 1988 and so has the total amount o f grants obtained. Year No. o f Projects Supported by E armarked Grants E a rma rke d G ra n t Received (HK$m) D ire c t G ra n t Received (HK$m) Total G ran t f o r the Year (HK$m) 1988-89 12 4.9 2.5 7.4 1989-90 18 7.35 3.34 10.69 1990-91 25 10.74 3.95 14.69 Greater Success in 1991-92 For 1991-92, the government has made avail able HK$100 m illion to seven local tertiary institu tions including The Chinese University o f Hong Kong (CUHK), the University o f Hong Kong (HKU), the Hong Kong University o f Science and Technology (HKUST), the Hong Kong Polytechnic (HKP), the City Polytechnic of Hong Kong (CPHK), the Hong Kong Baptist College (HKBC), and Lingnan College (LC) for research purposes. O f this amount, $30 m illion has been directly allocated to these institu­ tions to finance projects costing less than $200,000 each, $7 m illio n has been set aside fo r central allocation to strengthen the research base in the in­ stitutions, and the balance o f $63 m illion has been awarded to deserving research proposals submitted by the academic and research personnel in the seven institutions and selected by the UPGC's Research Grants Council for support. Selection is based on the competitive merits of the various proposals, their contributions to the academic development o f the respective institutions, and to Hong Kong's overall economic and social development. This year, the University has again outdone other tertiary institutions in the competitive bid for UPGC earmarked grants for research. O f the 135 research proposals selected by the Research Grants Council of the UPGC, 44 (32.6 per cent) are CUHK projects. This is also the highest score among the UPGC-funded institutions. These 44 projects w ill receive earmarked grants totalling $22,239,000, rep­ resenting 35.4 per cent o f the government's $63 m illion budget for 1991-92. The University has also received an additional $7 m illion in the form of a direct grant for research projects costing less than $200,000 each. The total amount obtained for 1991-92 is therefore $29.2 m illion, nearly double that of last year. Here is a summary of the results o f the UPGC deliberations on bids submitted by local tertiary in­ stitutions: Direct Grants Institution UPGC allocation (HK$m) Overall percentage CUHK 7 23.33 HKU 7 23.33 HKUST 3 10 HKP 5 16.67 CPHK 4 13.33 HKBC 3 10 LC 1 3.34 30 100 Earmarked Grants Institution No. o f Projects Supported Amount Allocated (HK$m) Overall percentage CUHK 44 22.239 35.4 HKU 37 16.88 26.9 HKUST 18 8.825 14.1 HKP 19 6.575 10.5 CPHK 13 5.835 9.3 HKBC 4 2.365 3.8 135 62.719 100 RESEARCH - 3