Bulletin Summer 1989
June. -'Stereoselective Isomerization of Acetylenic De r i va t i ves as a New Me t hodo l ogy in Organic Synthesis' by Professor Lu Xiyan, Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Academic Sinica, China, on 30th June. * The f o l l ow i ng scholars visited New Asia College between April and June: S.Y. Chung Visiting Scholar - P r o f e s s o r Shiou-ping Liao, professo r of printmaking, Seton Hall University, New Jersey, USA, visited the College from 9th to 26th April and delivered a lecture on ‘Art of Printmaking' on 15th April. Ming Yu Visiting Scholars - P r o f e s s o r M i c h a el B u l l o c k, professor emeritus, Department of Creative Writing, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, visited the College from 28th May to 6th June and conducted a poetr y reading on ‘Vancouver Moods' (a reading from his recent volumes of poetry with a commentary by the author) on the last day of his visit. The lecture was j o i n t ly organized w i th the De p a r t me nt o f T r a n s l a t i on an d the Department of English. —P r o f e s s or Q i an Renyuan, I n s t i t u te of Chemistry, Academia Sinica, Beijing, visited the College from 20th t o 27th June and c ondu c t ed a seminar on ' Co n d u c t i ng Polymer: Polypyrrole' on 22nd June. The seminar was j o i n t ly organized w i th the Department of Physics. * The Faculty of Business Administration organized a one-week educational programme from 23rd to 29th April for some thirty Executive MBA students from the University of Pittsburgh. The programme was intended to familiarize these executives with the opportunities and obstacles of doing business within the Asia Pacific region. Emphasis was put on financial, marketing, and management practices and those cultura l factors which impact on Western companies operating in Asia, particularly in China and Hong Kong. It included a series of lectures, panel discussions, and site visitation conducted by faculty staff of the University and people from the local business community. In addition, the participants visited the Pittsburg h Plates Glass Factory in Sekou to see the results o f an American corporation's production activities i n China. * The Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology hosted an international conference on ‘Gynaecology, Obstetrics and Gynaecologica l Oncology from 6th to 7th May. The conference was sponsored by the International Friendship Foundation of Australia and the International Gynaecological Oncology Group. Distinguished obstetricians and gynaecologists from Australia, China, Germany, Italy, Hong Kong , Korea, Switzerland, Taiwan, UK and USA participated and discussed topics on gynaecological cancer, infertility, obstetric practice in Hong Kong, perinatal mortality, and prenatal diagnosis. * The Office of Industrial and Business Development presented a lecture on T he Role of the Industrial Extension Service in Helping Hong Kong's Tertiary Educational Institutions Develop Working Relations with Manufacturing Companies' by Mr. Edmun d Cheung, principal trade officer, Industrial Extension Service, Industry Department, on 8th May. * The Department of Statistics organized a seminar on 'Informative Profiles of High Dimensional Data Clouds by SIR, a Transformation-based Tool for 3-D Dynamic Graphing ' by Professor Ker-Chau L i of the Department of Mathematics, Universit y of California, USA, on 15th May . * The Department o f History and the Office of International Studies Programme jointly organized a lecture on 'The Systems of Chinese History and World History' by Professor Hsu Cho Yun, professor of history, Pittsburgh University, USA, and life member, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, on 15th May. * The Department of Computer Science, the Department of Electronics, and the Planning and Implementation Committee for the Engineering Programme jointly organized a seminar on ‘NSFNET: Capability and Future Direction' by Dr . George Fan, director of engineering, Scientific Computing Projec t Office, I BM, White Plains, New York, on 16th May. NSFNET is a network sponsored by the US National Science Foundation to link up universities and research institutes w i th a h i gh speed T -1 backbone. Since its inceptio n in 1988, over 200 institutes including a few dozen in Europe and Canada have been actively using the netweek. * The 1989 Graduate Exhibition of the Fine Arts Department was staged at the Art Gallery from 24th May to 18th June. The exhibition featured art works by 15
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