Bulletin No. 1, 2011
News in Brief 43 Two Projects Conferred State Awards Two CUHK p r o j e c t s we r e among the winning projects of the 2010 State Science and Technology Awards announced on 14 January 2011. ‘Nonlinear output regulation problem and the internal model principle’ led by Prof. Huang Jie (right), Depar tment of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, received the State Natural Science Award second-class award. Another project ‘Technology for the early diagnosis and prevention of secondary brain injury in the management of traumatic brain injury’, led by Prof. Poon Wai-sang (left) of the Division of Neurosurgery, Department of Surgery, the Faculty of Medicine, was honoured with the State Scientific and Technological Progress Award second-class award. Engineering Professors Garner IEEE Honours F ou r p r o fe s s o r s f r om t he Faculty of Engineering were recognized by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)—Prof. Ching Pak- chung (2nd lef t) , Pro - Vice-Chancellor and Professor of Elec tronic Engineering ; Prof. Li Wenjung (2nd right) f r om t h e D e p a r tme n t o f Mechanical and Automation Engineering; and Prof. Wu Keli (1st right) from the Department of Electronic Engineering have been elected fellows. Prof. Lyu Rung-tsong Michael (1st left) from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering was co-awarded the 2010 IEEE Reliability Society Engineer of the Year Award. English Scholar Awarded Book Prize on Romanticism A n e w b o o k , E u r o p e a n R o m a n t i c i s m : A R e a d e r , edited by Prof. Simon Haines ( a b o v e ) , c h a i r ma n o f t h e Department of English, CUHK, and P rof. Stephen P r i cke t t , Reg i u s P r o f e s s o r Eme r i t u s , Glasgow University, has been awarded the 2010 Jean-Pierre Barricelli Book Prize from the International Conference on Romanticism for being the year’s most distinguished contribution to Romantic studies. The 1000-page volume contains over 200 extracts from close to 100 major European writers of the Romantic period in 15 languages. Professor Haines edited the British section with an introduction.
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