Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 2002

Prof. Charles K. Kao Vice-Chancellor's Report 1990-93 ‘ While individual faculties are seeking diversification and improvement, the University tries to provide an environment conducive to academic exchange and a mechanism to promote international linkage activities, both of wh i ch are essential in maintaining and raising our academic standard and improving the quality of education we offer... ... The Universities Service Centre [ Now renamed Universities Service Centre for China Studies], a major resource centre for China studies previously run by the American Council of Learned Societies, found permanent accommodation on The Chinese University campus in 1992. And a new Hong Kong-America Center opened on the campus in April 1993 to promote academic and cultural exchanges between North America and Hong Kong. N ew visiting professorship schemes were also established with generous local donations. Both the Wei Lun Visiting Professorship/Fellowship Programme and the Wilson T.S. Wang Distinguished International Professorship Scheme, for example, have brought outstanding scholars to the campus, whose lectures and seminars have broadened the horizons of many of our staff and students. Lord Wilson of Tillyorn, former Chancellor of the University, being introduced to the newest resources at the Universities Service Centre for China Studies Nobel laureate in economics Prof. M. Friedman at CUHK (1988) Nobel Laureate in physics Prof. C.N. Yang visiting the University for the first time in 1964 CUHK at 40 Global Vision 15