Bulletin Spring‧Summer Autumn‧Winter 1999

(b) a further donation of TWD600,000 to support a project on a computerized database traditional Chinese texts undertaken by Prof. D.C. Lau of the Institute of Chinese Studies. (27) From Chugai Pharmaceuticals Co. Ltd. HK$50,000 to support a clinical trial undertaken by the Department of Medicine. (28) From The Croucher Foundation: (a) HK$618,410 to support a research project on an environmental decision support system for water pollution control of the tidal river network in the Pearl River Delta undertaken by Dr. Leung Yee of the Centre for Environmental Studies; (b) HK$100,000 to sponsor a symposium on epithelial transport to be held by the Department of Physiology; and (c) HK$50,000 to sponsor the sixth Asia-Pacific electron microscopy conference to be held by the Department of Anatomy. (29) From Cyanamid (Far East) Ltd. HK$75,00 0 to support a research project on the treatment of acute cholangitis undertaken by the Department of Surgery. (30) From Daiichi Pharmaceutical Asia Ltd. HK$29,000 to support the traivid otic solution trial for chronic supparative otitis media undertaken by the Department of Surgery. (31) From the following donors to support the summer chemical research programme undertaken by Dr. Chan Kin-shing of the Department of Chemistry: (a) Dow Chemical (Pacific) Ltd . HK$3,000; and (b) Shell Hong Kong Ltd. HK$5,000. (32) From Eisai (HK) Co. Ltd. HK$40,000 to support the endocrine teamofthe Department ofMedicine to undertake a research project on methycobal tablet-injection therapy in patients with diabetic sensorimotor polyneuropathy. (33) From Glaxo Hong Kong Ltd.: (a) to the Department of Surgery HK$113,564 to support a research study; (b) to the Department of Paediatrics HK$10,000 to support a pilot study on the epidemiology of asthma in Chinese children in Hong Kong; (c) to the Department of Community and Family Medicine HK$6,000 to supportaresearchprojecton the prevalence of migraine and other headaches in Hong Kong; (d) to the Department of Medicine (i) HK$15,000 to sponsor a staffmember to attend the advanced geriatric medicine course atthe University of Manchester, UK; (ii) HK$15,000 to sponsor a staffmember to attend the ninth biennial scientific meetingofthe Asian Pacific Association for the Study o fthe Liver held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; and (e) to the Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care HK$33,000 to sponsor a staff member to attend the annual meeting of the American Society of Anaesthesiologists held in Washington, USA. (34) From Hong Kong Culture and Art Foundation HK$10,000 to support the Hong Kong Performing Arts Research Programme undertaken by Dr. Leung Pui Kam of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature. (35) From Hong Kong Institute of Personnel Management HK$60,000 to support aresearch projectonhumanresource management strategies and practices in Hong Kong undertaken by Dr. Leung Kwok of the Department of Psychology. (36) From Hong Kong Society of Asia and Pacific 21 Ltd. a further donation of HK$23,430 to support a collaborative research project on standardization versus diversity of news in China undertaken b y Hangzhou University and the Department of Journalism and Communication of this university. (37) From Hong Kong Telecom Foundation a furthe r donation of HK$1,200,000 to support applied research projects in the Faculty of Engineering. (38) From the International Cente r for Economic Growth US$2,500 to support a research project entitle d 'The South China Growth Triangle: Integration of the Economics of Southeast China, Hong Kong and Taiwan' jointly undertaken by the donor andthe Department o f Economics. (39) From the International Development Research Centre US$2,474.33 to support a research project on China's economic and demographic interactions undertaken by the Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies. (40) From Mr. Jonathan Peter King: (a) HK$1,000 to the Department of Pharmacology for research purposes; and (b) HK$2,000 to the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology for research purposes. (41) From Kabi Pharmacia Far East Ltd. HK$5,000 to support a research on constructing the first set of growth standards for Hong Kong Chinese children undertaken by the Department of Paediatrics. (42) FromKDD HongKongLtd. a furtherdonationof US$20,000 for the International Postgraduate Research Fellowship to sponsor Mr. Hu Guoqing from Xian Jiaotong University to participate in a research on computational mathematics organized by the Department of Information Engineering. (43) From Kowloon Chamber of Commerce HK$250,000 to support the programme of research utilization in education and social sciences undertaken by Prof. C.Y. To. (44) From Mrs. Robert Ki-cheong Li HK$2,000 to support a research on asthma undertaken by the Department of Medicine. (45) From Lotus Tours Ltd. HK$125,000 to the University for research purposes. (46) From Mekim Ltd. HK$50,000 to support the spasmomem clinical trial undertaken by the Department of Medicine. (47) From Nutricia (Asia-Pacific) Ltd. HK$1,500 to support bone mass research undertaken by the Department of Community and Family Medicine. (48) FromNutricia Research HK$120,000 to support a research project on the effects of mil k supplement on bone mass i n young Chinese women undertaken by the Department of Community and Family Medicine. (49) From Oriental Press Charitable Fund Association: (a) HK$1,000 to support the bums research programme undertaken by the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology; (b) HK$200,000 to support the Hong Kong lupus nephritis study undertaken by the Department of Medicine; (c) HK$8,674 to sponsor the Skin Bank of the Department of Surgery; and (d)HK$100 to sponsor the Childhoo d Incontinence Combined Investigational and Therapeutic Centre of the Department of Surgery. (50) From Parke Davis Pty. Ltd. HK$152,905 to support a research project on epidermal growth factor undertaken by the Department of Paediatrics. (51) From Pharmacia (Farmitalia Carl o Erba) HK$140,000 to Gifts and Donations 38