Bulletin Offprints(II) Printed with No. 2, 2013
UNIVERSITY STATION Volumn Three • December 1966 • Number Five The Kowloon-Canton Railway announced that the Ma Liu Shui Station near the campus site of The Chinese University will be renamed “University Station” as from January 1, 1967, As has been reported in the last issue of this Bulletin, the name "Ma Liu Shui" has been dropped from the addresses of the University campus site, the Inter- University Hall and Chung Chi College. UNIVERSITY HEALTH CENTRE Volumn Three • February 1967 • Number Seven A tentative plan for the University Health Centre was presented to the Board of Trustees of the Yale- in-China Association, which has recently agreed in principle to finance the building of the Centre. The Vice-Chancellor has set up a committee to be chaired by Mr. B.P. Schoyer, Vice-President of New Asia College to do the necessary planning for the University Health Centre. The Centre will be es- tablished at the University's new campus site in Shatin. The Committee is to advise on the functions and pro- grammes of the Centre: to recommend, with the advice of the University Architect, items of equipment as well as building plans for the Centre and to propose interim arrangements that may be implemented prior to the establishment of the Centre. Dr. Bowers, President of Josiah Macy Foundation, and formerly Dean of the Medical Faculty of the University of Wisconsin, will be in Hong Kong at the end of March to discuss with the Vice-Chancellor the programme of the Health Centre. THE COMPUTER CENTRE Volumn Three • March 1967 • Number Eight The University has established a computer centre in On Lee Building, Nathan Road, Kowloon. Mr. Patrick S.K. Fang, Vice-President of United College, has been appointed Director of the Centre, who reports to the Vice-Chancellor on policy questions. A Faculty Advisory Committee has also been ap- pointed by the Vice-Chancellor to advise the Director on matters relating to the operation and development of the Centre. Members of the Committee are:— Dr. Robert Mitchell (Chairman) Prof. S.C. Joseph Fu Prof. Hsu Bay-sung Prof. Maurice Moonitz Prof. Anthony M. Tang In connection with the development of the Com- puter Centre, Dr. C.M. Li, the Vice-Chancellor, re- cently signed a contract with IBM for a computer system to be installed in the Centre later this year. The computer system, the IBM 1130, is one of the most modern machines available for handling scientific and technical work. The advanced technology of the I BM 1130 is called Solid Logic Technology ( SLT ). Configurations of this system vary in cost between a quarter and a half million Hong Kong dollars, and over 4,000 of these systems have been ordered around the world. In the Centre, faculty members and postgraduates will use the computer in their research work in various disciplines ranging from physical to social science. Undergraduates will be taught the computer in addi- tion to their primary studies. This will enable them to have first-hand experience of the value of computers when they leave the University to enter business and industry. In the meantime the Centre has entered into an "Annual Minimum Customer Usage Agreement” with the IBM Service Bureau to enable research pro- jects in the physical and social sciences to be computed by facilities available at the Service Bureau. A four-day concentrated course on programming ( FORTRAN IV language) was conducted at the Centre for intending users of the I BM Service Bureau during March 8-11, 1967. Twenty-six members of the Uni- versity staff representing six academic disciplines participated. AMPLIFIED TELEPHONE SYSTEM FOR INTERCOLLEGIATE TEACHING Volumn Three • March 1967 • Number Eight The University, through its School of Education, recently conducted the first of a series of experiments to try out a way of simplifying intercollegiate teaching. 10
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