Bulletin No. 2, 2016

The 81st and 82nd Congregations 29 Citations in full at www.cpr.cuhk.edu.hk/resources/ press/pdf/583faecc00646.pdf institutes, art galleries, libraries, mobile libraries, publishing houses, bookstores, hospitals, clinics, universities, secondary and primary schools, kindergartens, nursing and retirement homes. The Fo Guang Shan Foundation for Buddhist Culture and Education—set up by Master Hsing Yun— and CUHK co-founded the Centre for the Study of Humanistic Buddhism in 2005, which not only promotes research on Buddhism and nurtures young Buddhist scholars, but also sponsors related research projects by the Faculty of Arts of the University. In recognition of his contributions to cultural, educational and philanthropic causes, as well as his support for Hong Kong society in general, and CUHK in particular, the University conferred upon Master Hsing Yun the degree of Doctor of Social Science, honoris causa . Culture Golden Award from the International Yanhuang Culture Research Association in 2000, and an award from the French National Society of Fine Arts Biennial Exhibition, Grand Palais Museum of Paris in France. Apart from painting, Professor Au held fine arts teaching posts in Hong Kong and Taiwan tertiary institutions. He spared no effort to foster talent and train the next generation. In order to expand and improve art education, Professor Au founded the Au Ho-nien Cultural Foundation in 2000, in which a great number of painting classes for children are offered and academic seminars on watercolour painting are held. The University conferred upon Professor Au the degree of Doctor of Literature, honoris causa , in recognition of his outstanding achievements in calligraphy and painting, his contributions to the promotion of Chinese cultural traditions and the advancement of art education, and his support and generosity to CUHK. Venerable Master Hsing Yun is a world- renowned religious leader, humanitarian, author, educator and philanthropist. In 1967, he founded the Fo Guang Shan International Buddhist Order in Kaohsiung to promote Humanistic Buddhism, which has established itself as one of the most important Buddhist sects among mankind as a whole. Over the past decades, Master Hsing Yun has established nearly 300 temples across the globe and has founded a variety of Buddhist