Bulletin No. 1, 2013
Let’s Build a Bridge 5 The story began in a small restaurant in Gansu. A diner there—a local teacher, overheard folks at the next table talking about bridges. Curious, he went over and chatted them up. The strangers happened to be the location-scouting team of the Wu Zhi Qiao (Bridge to China) Charitable Foundation. They had just finished assessing a venue for suitability for bridge construction. The result was negative, so they broke for lunch. The teacher told them a river ran through his hometown, but the only means of crossing was a rickety wooden bridge that villagers, including school children, had been risking their lives using. This was in Dangzheng Village in Hui County of Gansu’s Longnan City. The team made a trip there to see for themselves and found that the village was in dire need of their services. The bridge they went on to build was the Chinese University Golden Jubilee Wu Zhi Qiao.
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