Bulletin Special Supplement Summer 2015

訂立《策略計劃》(2006) Promulgation of a Strategic Plan (2006) 為大學未來十年發展擘畫清晰方向 Articulated in concrete terms the University’s aspirations and strategies for the coming decade 採用委任學院院長制度(2007) New system of Faculty Dean appointment (2007) 取代「選舉兼任學院院長」制度,釐清權責,有助院長掌管學院事務,展布新猷。 Replaced ‘concurrent Deanships by election’ to ‘full-time Deanships by appointment’ to establish clear powers and responsibilities for the Deans to conduct Faculty matters and take forward Faculty initiatives 教務會改組(2008)及校董會架構重組 (2009) Senate revamp (2008) and University Council structure reorganization (2009) 提出檢討教務會人數和構成方法及重組校董會之架構,以使校務發展更臻速達。 Initiated the review for the revamp of the Senate and the reorganization of the structure of the University Council to enhance efficiency and effectiveness 管治與行政 Governance and Administration 13 掌舵 At the Helm