Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 2001
A long-awaited initiative, this project is wa r m ly received b y education reformers. Just as the learning process should not be made to suffer under a rigid educational system, neither should the learning environmen t be adversely affected by obsolete building design. Prof. L i m states that the project enjoys the enthusiastic s uppo rt and participation of users, and has stimulated h i g h l y inspiring, interactive, and original design concepts for the consideration of school sponsoring bodies and design consultants. Prof. L i m has compiled the research results (see h t t p : / / www . a r c h . c u h k. edu.hk/serverd/staff/bernard/innovative/firstpage.htm) and distributed them to relevant government departments and educational bodies. He hopes that there w i l l be more research i n the future to explore such issues as environmental protection i n schools, the integration of schools into the community, and designs that incorporate the needs of special education. CHINES E UNIVERSIT Y BULLETI Autumn • Winter 2001 28
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