Bulletin Special Supplement Ever in My Heart: Professor Ambrose King and The Chinese University
中文大學校刊 · 特刊 Chinese University Bulletin · Special Supplement 28 四十年來,孜孜於斯,全力研究中 國在最近兩百多年來轉型的軌跡 和模式。從十九世紀末,到二十 一世紀初,中國在皇權制度瓦解, 家族制度崩潰之後,漸漸進入一個 新的時代。但是兩百年下來,中國 在現代化的過程中,到底付出多少 代價,取得多少成功?在今日全球 一體化的大趨勢下,中國如何保存 自己的個體獨特性?金教授指出東 西文化各有所長,我們無謂固地自 封,也不必感到自卑。我們要了解 西方文化,化解東西之間的矛盾爭 執,我們的努力是要讓全球展立一 個共存並列的多元世界。在這橫跨 三個世紀的漫長革命中,金教授承 認現代化的路途十分艱危崎嶇,但 是前景卻是愈來愈清亮。我們要告 別過去,但是我們也要尊重歷史, 從歷史中汲取經驗,認清自己在這 個多元國際化社會中的定位,發展 自己的潛能,為將來努力,重構一 個新的文明秩序。 金教授一九七零年來港工作, 其後發表一系列有關香港社會 的論文。其中包括一九七五年的 The Administrative Absorption of Politics in Hong Kong ,一九八一年的 Social Life and Development in Hong Kong , 一九八七年的《香港政治之特性及 其民主之展望》,一九九五年的 One Country, Two Systems: An Idea on Trial ,二零零零年的《香港:華人 社會最具現代性的城市》等。他認 為要了解香港,不能脫離殖民統治 和資本主義這兩條主要的線索。我 們要在這兩條線索交織成的架構裡 進行深層的分析,探討在過去殖民 主義的潮流下,香港的政制文化如 a new analysis of this series of political and intellectual issues. Between From Tradition to Modernity (1966) and The Modern Turn of China (2004), Prof. King devoted almost four decades to the study of the course and pattern of changes that China underwent during the past two centuries and more. From the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 21st, following the disintegration of the dynastic order and the collapse of the clan system, China has gradually entered upon a new era. But in these 200 years as China has modernized, what costs have been endured, and what has been achieved? In today’s world, where the major trend is globalization, how can China preserve its own unique identity? Prof. King points out that each of the two cultures, East and West, have their strengths and weaknesses. We should not be complacent, nor shouldwe feel inferior. We must understand Western civilization and reconcile the contradictions and tensions between East and West, striving for the construction of a pluralistic world where different cultures co- exist in harmony. Prof. King recognizes that, in this lengthy revolution spanning three centuries, the path of modernization has been enormously difficult and fraught with danger, but the way ahead is growing brighter. Even as we bid farewell to the past, we must respect history and learn from it, finding our own place in this plural and internationalized society, in order to develop our own potential, strive for the future and build a new order of civilization. Prof. King came to work in Hong Kong in 1970, thereafter publishing a series of theses on Hong Kong society. These include The Administrative Absorption of Politics in Hong Kong (1975); Social Life and Development in Hong Kong (1981); The Special Character of Hong Kong’s Polity and Its Democratic Prospects (1987); and One Country, Two Systems: An Idea on Trial (1995), and Hong Kong: A City with the Most Traits of Modernity in Chinese Societies (2000). He held that in order to
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