Bulletin No. 1, 2009

A New Map of Innovation and Education 3 E very Friday, a car leaves the Chinese University for CUHK facilities in Shenzhen, taking members of the University with it. While it is common knowledge that CUHK has an MBA Town Centre and a Graduate Law Centre in Central, far fewer people are aware of our important technology research facilities in our sister city up North. The trip to Shenzhen takes, immigration procedure inclusive, less than an hour — about the same time required to go south to Central. Perpaps it’s time to readjust our concept of the university campus. If Central is the University’s urban site, Shenzhen is its expansive backyard where countless opportunities and resources are waiting to be harvested. The drawing of this new map was made possible with the signing of a memorandum of cooperation in 2006 between CUHK and the Shenzhen Municipal Government. In the same year, the CAS–CUHK Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Integration Technology was established. Three years later, in 2009, a ground- breaking ceremony was held for the CUHK Shenzhen Research Institute, a research unit solely founded by the Chinese University. On the same occasion, the 2006 memorandum was renewed with the aim of further enhancing collaboration between CUHK and Shenzhen in education and research, and advancing technology transfer.