Annual Report 2008–09
59 教 職 員 Staff • 學能提升研究中心開辦多元化的教 學講座和活動,協助教學人員提升 教學和學習質素,年內出席人次約 八百六十,較去年上升一倍。 • 資訊科技服務處為同事舉辦多項電 腦課程,包括辦公室軟件應用、網上 教學工具運用、網絡保安和使用大學 資訊科技服務的特設課程等,以課堂 講授、網上教授或自學形式進行,約 一千一百人參加。 Staff Training and Development As its adopted policy, the University encourages staff members to enhance their knowledge and skills through continuous learning to meet ever-changing job demands. During the year, staff development programmes and grants, support for conference attendance, reimbursement of training expenses, etc. were awarded as usual. In addition, the following units also provided specific training opportunities: • The Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research ran a number of courses and activities designed to support teaching and learning enhancement for teaching staff members. There were some 860 attendances in such events in the year under review, doubling that of the previous year. • The Information Technology Services Centre organized various computer education programmes for around 1,100 staff members. These included training on office applications, web-based teaching tools, Internet security solutions, and programmes specific to the University’s IT environment. The programmes were delivered through instructor-based lectures, online teaching and self-learning courses. Other New Personnel Policies, Services, and Conditions of Service New Academic Personnel Structure As an attempt to simplify nomenclature and provide a clearer progression route to the teachers, the University Council approved the proposal of a simplified, three-rank academic ladder, comprising assistant professor, associate professor, professor, with slight revisions to the relevant salary scales to enhance flexibility of offers and rewards. Conversion or option to the new academic personnel structure for serving teachers was to take effect from 2009–10. Performance Management Formally rolled out in summer 2007, the Performance Review and Development System (PRDS) for non- teaching staff serves to strengthen staff development efforts and foster a culture linking reward to performance through an outcome-based and systematic performance management system. The system received general support from the University community and the first fruit of PRDS was the performance-linked pay adjustment effected in January 2009. It is envisaged that all non-teaching staff will migrate to the new system in due course. 其他人事政策、服務與服務條件 新教師職級架構 為精簡教師職級架構,並為教師提供更 清晰的晉升制度,大學校董會通過簡化教 師職級為助理教授、副教授及教授三個級 別,並相應修訂薪級表,以增加聘請及獎 勵教師的靈活性。現職教師將按適當的轉 制安排由二零零九至一零年度起轉至新 職級架構。 績效管理 為非教學僱員而設的「績效評核和發展制 度」在二零零七年夏季推行。透過一個以 績效為本和有系統的工作表現評核機制, 促進員工發展,並確立將薪酬與工作績 效掛鈎的文化,制度獲得大學員工普遍支 持。在二零零九年一月首批僱員已按績效 評核結果獲薪酬調整,大學計劃逐步將所 有非教學僱員納入該制度內。 工作坊培訓員工團隊精神 Team building in staff training workshop
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