Bulletin No. 1, 2011
44 Chinese University Bulletin No. 1, 2011 Projects Receive National Scientific Research Awards Three scientific research projects at CUHK received the Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Awards (Science and Technology) in the category of natural sciences from the Ministry of Education (MoE) in March 2011. Two received the first-class awards and the other, a second-class award. The first-class award projects were: ‘Integrative Research on Molecular Basis and Potential Targets for Gastric Cancer’ by Prof. Yu Jun (2nd left), associate professor, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, and Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung (centre), Vice-Chancellor and Mok Hing Yiu Professor of Medicine; and ‘Concentration Phenomena in Nonlinear Elliptic Equations and Systems’ by P rof. Wei J uncheng (1s t l ef t ) , P rofe s sor of Mathematics. The project receiving a second-class award was ‘Cholesterol-lowering and Cardiovascular Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals’ by Prof. Chen Zhenyu (2nd right) of the School of Life Sciences and Prof. Huang Yu (1st right) of the School of Biomedical Sciences. Math Professors and Students Win Awards P r o f. We i J uncheng ( l e f t ) , Professor of Mathematics, was awarded the 2010 Morningside Silver Medal of Mathematics for his achievements in semi-linear elliptic equations. Prof. Leung Nai-chung Conan (below) at the Department of Mathematics and the Institute of Mathematical Sciences was awarded the 2010 Chern Prize in recognition of his significant research contributions in the study of mirror symmetry and quantum cohomology. Honours and Recognition Scholars Named Croucher Senior Research Fellow Three top re s ea rch ac ademi c s from CUHK were presented the prestigious Senior Research Fellowship of The Croucher Foundation on 24 March 2011, in recognition of their outstanding scientific achievements in the international scientific community. Prof. Lui Chi-shing John (centre) of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering received the Senior Research Fellowship, while Prof. Chan Lik-yuen Henry (left) and Prof. Wong Ka- sing Lawrence (right) of the Department of Medicine and Therapeutics were awarded the Senior Medical Research Fellowship. The awards were presented by Mr. Suen Ming-yeung Michael, Secretary for Education of the HKSAR Government.
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