Bulletin No. 2, 2016
From Cyber to Hyper 17 Scan to view the animated videos of macroeconomics observed that atmosphere and interaction were thereby encouraged. The ‘Flipped Classroom with Micro-modules for Macroeconomics in Business’, together with other e-learning projects run by the teachers, is supported by their department and the Micro- Module Courseware Development Grant. From topic selection, script writing and storyboard planning to the actual outcome, the production of the animated v ideos t ake s one year to complete. The micro-modules are hosted on the cloud-based KEEP platform, where teachers can create online quizzes and review individual students’ performance from the analytics. Dr. Ku said, ‘The majority of students find the modules interesting. They facilitate class dynamics and enhance understanding.’ ‘We’re trying different modes, such as lecture recording, animated videos and simulated gaming, to learn which works better for certain content delivery and teaching objectives. For instance, I’m experimenting on an online game in which students could forecast the trend of the US interest rate by capturing real-life data, doing investment and trading,’ said Dr. Yuen. To the teachers, e-learning is not merely entertainment but a springboard to arouse students’ learning motivation. Authentic and sustainable motivation lies in the pleasure of understanding the theories and their applications in life.
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