Annual Report 1997-98
International Geographica l Unio n co-organize d th e 'International Conferenc e o n Modellin g Geographica l and Environmen t System s wit h Geographica l Information System s (GIS)' . Th e conferenc e aime d a t exploring way s i n whic h GI S ca n facilitat e th e analysi s and modeilin g o f geographica l an d environmenta l processes. • Th e Departmen t o f Governmen t an d Publi c Administration co-organized wit h th e Hon g Kong-Americ a Cente r an internationa l symposiu m entitle d T h e Outloo k fo r China-USA Relation s Followin g th e 1997-9 8 Summits : Chinese an d U S Perspectives' . • Th e Departmen t o f Journalis m an d Communicatio n wa s awarded $ 1 million b y th e Universit y Grant s Committe e to launc h a n Interne t multimedi a servic e fo r th e promotion o f interactio n betwee n school s an d universities. • Th e Departmen t o f Psycholog y organize d Th e Firs t Internationa! Conferenc e o n Chil d an d Adolescen t Mental Health . Th e firs t o f it s kin d i n Hon g Kong , th e conference wa s als o par t o f th e University' s 35t h anniversary celebratio n programme . 建築學系「設計香港」展覽在太古廣場舉行 'Designing H o n g Kong ' exhibition a t Pacifi c Plac e events The Chinese Universityof Hong Kong Annual Report Academic Development 5 3
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