Annual Report 2008–09
57 教 職 員 Staff Staff Population The staff population continued to grow in synchronicity with the development of the University, increasing by 4.4% to 6,495 in 2008–09. There were a total of 2,610 teaching and research staff. Of the 1,442 teaching staff, two-thirds were aged between 30 and 50. Close to 90% of professoriate staff obtained their academic qualifications outside Hong Kong, including in Australia, Canada, mainland China, New Zealand, the UK, the US, Southeast Asia, and other European countries. Staff Recruitment and Profile A total of 72 new teachers joined the University. Most notably among them were five senior professors, namely, Prof. Chan Wai-yee of the School of Biomedical Sciences, Prof. Lan Huiyao jointly of the Department of Medicine and Therapeutics and the Li Ka Shing Institute of Health Sciences, Prof. Simon N. Haines of the Department of English, Prof. John Lagerwey of the Centre for East Asian Studies, and Prof. Leung Ki-che Angela of the Department of History. Four distinguished figures accepted appointments as Honorary Professors, including Prof. Cheung Nim- kwan in the Faculty of Engineering, Prof. Li Deren in the Faculty of Social Science, Prof. Li Ning in the Faculty of Science, and Prof. Yang Huanming in the Faculty of Medicine. Entering an era of expansion with the revival of a four-year curriculum and the implementation of 教職員人數 配合大學發展,在二零零八至零九年度, 大學教職員數目續有增長,總人數為 六千四百九十五人。與上一年度比較,增 加百分之四點四。 教學及研究人員佔二千六百一十人。在 一千四百四十二名教學人員中,約三分二 年齡介乎三十至五十歲。接近九成教學人 員具非本地學歷,包括澳洲、加拿大、中 國內地、新西蘭、英國、美國、東南亞和其 他歐洲國家。 教職員聘任概况 是年度共有七十二位教師加盟大學,包括 五位資深教授:生物醫學學院陳偉儀教 授、內科及治療學系及李嘉誠健康科學研 究所藍輝耀教授、英文系Prof. Simon N. Haines、東亞研究中心勞格文教授,以及 歷史系梁其姿教授。另有四位傑出人士應 聘為榮譽教授,他們是工程學院張念坤教 授、社會科學院李德仁教授、理學院李寧 教授,以及醫學院楊煥明教授。 為配合二零一二年全面推行四年制,以及 落實聘任學院院長制,大學繼續致力於全 球選聘賢能,以增強學術領導。招聘工作 具見成果,年內有四位全職學院院長履 任,計為法律學院麥高偉教授、醫學院霍 二零零八至零九年度全職教職員職別/職級分布 Distribution of Full-time Staff by Job Types/Grades 2008–09 總人數 Total : 6,495 高級導師、導師及其他 Senior Instructor, Instructor and Others 472 (32.7%) 助理教授 Assistant Professor 278 (19.3%) 副教授 Associate Professor 248 (17.2%) 教授 Professor 444 (30.8%) 職工 Junior Support 1,104 (17.0%) 研究 Research 1,168 (18.0%) 文書 Office Support 1,331 (20.5%) 專業 Professional 343 (5.3%) 行政 Administrative 449 (6.9%) 技術 Technical 658 (10.1%) 教學 Teaching 1,442 (22.2%) 註: 以二零零九年六月三十日計算 Note : Figures as at 30 June 2009
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