Annual Report 2008–09
13 大 學 領 導 層 University Leadership 新任大學校董 New Council Members 陳志輝教授 Prof. Andrew C.F. Chan 自二零零八年八月一日起;由逸夫書院院務委員會選任 from l August 2008; elected by the Assembly of Fellows of Shaw College 陳克勤議員 The Honourable Chan Hak-kan 自二零零八年十月十七日起;由立法會議員互選產生 from 17 October 2008; elected by members of the Legislative Council 張宇人議員 The Honourable Cheung Yu-yan 自二零零八年十月十七日起;由立法會議員互選產生 from 17 October 2008; elected by members of the Legislative Council 黃毓民議員 The Honourable Wong Yuk-man 自二零零八年十月十七日起;由立法會議員互選產生 from 17 October 2008; elected by members of the Legislative Council
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