Annual Report 2008–09
39 研 究 Research Overview CUHK fosters high-quality research over a broad front in its eight Faculties, but it also realizes the importance of focusing preferential resources in selected areas in order to achieve regional and global impact in selected academic areas. Accordingly, while encouraging basic and applied research in all academic areas, the University has identified five existing areas of eminence for strategic research investment: Chinese Studies, Biomedical Sciences, Information Sciences, Economics and Finance, and Geoinformation and Earth Sciences. Besides, the University is striving to establish at least 10 areas of research excellence of national, regional and international significance, including infectious diseases, novel functional molecules, traditional Chinese medicine, and human and plant genomics. And it is determined to broaden its research capacity through investments in areas such as biomedical engineering, computer-assisted medicine and language development. New resources, including endowment income and specific external donations, are channelled towards these strategic areas under the University’s Focused Investments Scheme. Besides funding the five areas of eminence and other existing and potential areas of research strength, the scheme supports high-flying groups and individuals with the potential for achieving even greater impact. It also exploits exceptional opportunities for building capacity in scholarship. The University is strengthening its existing research capabilities by establishing new teaching programmes and research initiatives in fields such as logistics and supply chain studies, automobile parts, watch movements, biomedical engineering, law, public policy research, gender studies and cross-cultural studies. It plays leading roles in five ongoing Areas of Excellence (AoE) supported by the University Grants Committee (UGC)’s AoE Scheme, namely, the Centre for Plant and Agricultural Biotechnology, Chinese Medicine Research and Further Development, the Centre for Research into Circulating Fetal Nucleic Acids, the Institute of Network Coding, and the Historical Anthropology of Chinese Society. It is committed to publishing books, articles and other academic outputs of the highest quality, and to obtaining concrete results from applied research that translate into patents, technology transfer and licensing. 概況 香港中文大學既鼓勵轄下八個學院從事多 方面的優質研究,亦深明集中資源推動特 定領域研究之重要;因為唯有如此,才能 令這些特選學科的研究在亞洲乃至世界 脫穎而出,領導同儕。因此,中大一方面促 進各學術領域的基礎和應用研究,另一方 面選定五個傑出領域,重點發展,即中國 研究、生物醫學科學、訊息科學、經濟與 金融,以及地球信息與地球科學。 中大也積極提升研究水平,冀能在全國、 亞洲以至國際層面,確立起碼十個學科領 域的卓越研究地位,這些領域包括:傳染 病學、新穎功能分子、中醫藥學,以及人 類和植物基因組研究。大學同時銳意增加 在生物醫學工程、電腦輔助醫學和語言發 展等領域的投資,以擴充研究實力。 「重點資助卓越領域計劃」把新的資源, 包括基金收益及專用校外捐款,注入上述 策略領域,除了五個重點研究領域,以及 其他研究強項和具發展潛力的領域外,該 計劃還支持表現傑出的團隊和個人,讓他 們盡展所長,爭取佳績,發揮更重大的影 響,此外也發掘各種罕有的機會,以建立 學術實力。 中大不斷創辦新課程,又開展新的研究項 目,涵蓋物流和供應鍊管理、汽車零件、 錶芯設計和製造、生物醫學工程、法律、 公共政策、性別研究及跨文化研究等領 域,使現有的研究實力上層樓。在大學教 育資助委員會(教資會)資助的卓越學科 領域計劃裏,中大統領五個現行項目,即 植物及農業生物科技中心、中醫中藥研究 與發展、母體血漿胎兒核酸研究中心、網 絡編碼研究所,以及中國社會的歷史人類 學研究。中大也致力出版書籍、發表論文 和其他優秀的學術成果,並以註冊專利、 技術轉移和授權的方式,把研究成果應用 於實際。
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