Annual Report 2003–04
Looking ahead, we see new challenges arising from Hong Kong's education reform and the world-wide trend in student mobility and exchange. Changes in university admission requirements and the undergraduate curriculum are expected in the not too distant future with the possible reversion to a normative four-year curriculum. The Chinese University must rise to these challenges and tap into new opportunities. These responsibilities are heavy and the way is long but I believe Prof. Lawrence J. Lau is superbly capable of leading the University into the future, to scale even greater heights in the region and the world. My Best Wishes I wish to take this opportunity to thank Council members, staff, alumni, students, and friends for their contribution to the University's success and personally, for their well wishes on my retirement and for organizing a farewell banquet for me at Hotel Conrad on 26th June 2004. Extraordinary circumstances placed me in the worthy seat of vice-chancellor in 2002, making me the University's oldest vice-chancellor and one with the shortest term of office. They also afforded me the priceless opportunity to contribute my share to its growth. I am forever indebted to all those who have helped, supported, and encouraged me throughout the years. Prof. Ambrose King Vice-Chancellor 30th June 2004 第六任校長,並於二零零三年十月十三日公布。 劉敎授是世界知名經濟學家,也是具有遠見的敎 育家,一九九二年起擔任美國史丹福大學李國鼎 經濟發展講座敎授。他在經濟理論、經濟增長和 東亞經濟等領域的硏究,成就卓越。劉敎授將於 二零零四年七月一日履新,大學深慶得人。 香港的敎育改革已開展了數年,大學敎育在方向 及質量等各方面都可能出現新景象,而修改大學 的入學要求和推行四年制本科課程更眾所期待, 中文大學必須把握機會,搏風而上。大學任重而 道遠,我相信在劉遵義敎授的領導下,中大必定 能夠在亞洲區內以至國際上取得更佳成績。 殷殷寄意 臨别依依 我想藉此感謝中文大學的校董、敎職員、校友、 學生和各界友好協助中大取得成功,以及他們於 六月二十六日在港麗酒店為我舉行惜別晚宴。席 間各方代表殷殷話別,我感觸良多,念人憶往, 倍感不捨。我從來無意當中文大學的校長,在一 非常特殊的情況下,我接受了校長重任,成為中 大有史以來年紀最大、任期最短的校長。不管怎 樣,大學校長的工作畢竟讓我有一個機會,為大 學的發展獻出綿力。我謹向多年來協助、支持、 鼓勵和指導我的所有人士致衷心的謝意。 校長金耀基 二零零四年六月三十日 校長報告 Vice-Chancellor's Review 11
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