Vice-Chancellor's Report 1990-93
主要捐贈(港幣五十萬元或以上*) 一九九零至九三年 Ma j o r Dona t i ons (HK$500,000 or above*) 1990-93 捐助者 Donor(s) 認捐金額 Amount Pledged 摘 要 Particulars 無名氏 An anonymous donor 1,000,000 贊助外科學系之燒傷基金。 Donation towards the bums appeal fund of the Department of Surgery. 無名氏 An anonymous donor 6,667,000 贊助大學成立中文開放系統硏究中心。 To establish a Chinese Computing Open Systems Research Centre at the University. 無名氏 Anonymous donors 1,800,000 贊助外科學系心胸組購置硏究及敎學設 備。 To purchase research and educational equipment for the Cardiothoracic Unit of the Department of Surgery. 陳曾燾先生 Mr. Thomas T. T. Chen 10,000,000 贊助醫學院之癌症硏究基金。 Donation towards the cancer research fund of the Faculty of Medicine. 鄭孫文淑基金 Mrs. Cheng Suen Man-shook Foundation 10,000,000 贊助醫學院之癌症硏究基金。 Donation towards the cancer research fund of the Faculty of Medicine. 鄭裕彤基金及李兆基基金 Cheng Yu Tung Foundation and Lee Shau Kee Foundation 美元 US$ 6,000,000 資助中大與耶魯大學協辦之華南地區硏究 計劃。 To support a joint research programme on South China studies undertaken by the University and Yale University. 張煌昌先生 Mr. Thomas H. C. Cheung 10,000,000 資助設立香港中文大學校友基金,以誌母 校三十周年校慶。 To set up The Chinese University of Hong Kong Alumni Fund to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the University. *五十萬元以下之捐款及其他捐贈未能盡錄,詳情請參閱期內之《中文大學校刊》。現臚列之主要捐贈,皆於一 九九三年七月之前獲大學校董會接納。除特別註明外,認捐金額以港幣爲計算單位。 * Donations in kind and donations under $500,000 in the period were too numerous to record in this report. Details can be found in the Chinese University Bulletin published from 1990 to 1993. All donations listed here were accepted by the University Council before July 1993. Donations pledgedwere in Hong Kong dollars unless otherwise stated. 5 88
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