Annual Report 2007–08
75 校 園 發 展 與 環 境 保 護 Campus Development and Environmental Protection Campus Master Planning To cater for long-term sustainable development of the campus, the University saw the need to formulate a CMP. Subsequent to the exhibition of the Preliminary Master Planning Proposals by four shortlisted consultants and a series of presentation sessions held from August to December 2007, Aedas Limited and its overseas partner Edward Cullinan Architects were appointed in February 2008 as the consultant team leading the CMP. The Stage 1 Stakeholder Engagement Programme lasted from March to May 2008 and consisted of briefing sessions, engagement meetings, workshops, a forum and online view collection. Valuable comments and suggestions were received from students, alumni in Hong Kong and overseas, the Colleges, teaching and non-teaching staff, as well as the general public. The extensive view provided a better understanding of the needs and concerns of all stakeholders and formed a solid basis for the consultant to prepare the conceptual master plan. Six key planning principles were identified from the views received. They were: conserving the places of value, places for academic and recreational activities, enhancing college life, a landscape of vital importance, a pedestrian- friendly campus and making a sustainable campus. 校園發展計劃 為了大學的長遠和可持續的發展,必須制 定校園發展計劃。大學邀請了四家顧問公 司提交初步校園發展建議方案,並於二零 零七年八月至十二月間舉行連串展覽及簡 報會,蒐集意見。二零零八年二月,大學宣 布委任凱達環球有限公司及其海外夥伴 葛艾活建築師事務所為校園發展規劃的 顧問。 顧問公司的首階段持份者交流活動隨即 於二零零八年三月至五月舉行,形式包括 簡報會、交流會、工作坊、座談會、論壇, 以及網上調查等,藉此充分聽取學生、 本地及海外校友、書院同人、教職員,以 及社會大眾的寶貴意見,同時亦讓顧問 公司在草擬校園規劃時,有具體的基礎可 依從。 各方意見大致上可歸納為六個重點規劃 課題,分別為:文化景貌保育、教研康體設 施、校園生活、校園景觀、樂步健行校園、 以及可持續發展校園。 校園發展計劃的持份者 交流活動 Stakeholder Engagement Programme of CMP
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