Annual Report 2007–08
73 教 學 輔 助 設 施 Academic Support Facilities 資訊科技服務 支援教與學 二零零七至零八年度,利用網上教學平台 如WebCT、CUForum及Moodle發布資料 的課程共有三千零八十五個,較上年度增 加百分之九點二,足見網上教學作為傳統 教學的輔助已漸趨普遍。其中WebCT於 該年度升級後,為用戶提供多項新功能, 資料上載更便捷,並可在超連結上加插註 釋、試題類別、評分選項及簡便的用戶界 面等。 資訊科技服務處成立了「網上教學資源 庫」,提供製作教材所需的圖片集、學習 元件等,支援教學人員推行網上教學, 支援學術研究 大學持續提升電子運算服務,以支援研 究。是年度,提供記憶密集運算服務的 Linux叢集系統升級後,配備了十二台四核 心處理器的伺服器,每台可提供高達 16 GB的存儲存量。 鞏固網絡基建 因應無線網絡的發展趨勢,校園無線網絡 進一步延伸至校內三十二個地點。二零零 七至零八年度,大學引入「精簡型無線網 絡接駁點」技術,用戶從一無線網絡區域 進入另一區域時,無中斷連接之虞,亦無 須重新建立網絡連接。 大學繼續加強與國際研究和教育網絡的 合作,以支援大量數據傳送、分散式運 算、視像會議等高帶寬應用項目。二零零 八年,大學成功透過高速的局部迴路千兆 以太網,與數個國際研究教育網絡建立連 接。 Computer and Information Technology Teaching and Learning Technologies During 2007–08, eLearning became an increasingly popular supplement to traditional teaching, as shown by the 9.2% increase in the number of courses hosted at WebCT, CUForum and Moodle from the previous year, reaching 3,085. WebCT was upgraded to provide new features such as easier content upload, links annotations, quiz question types, additional grading options and a more user-friendly interface. The eLearning support services was further strengthened with the establishment of an Online eLearning Resources Centre which provided a variety of eLearning resources such as photo gallery and access to learning objects. Research Computing Support Support of research computing continued to be a major and ongoing effort. The Linux Cluster dedicated for memory-intensive computing projects was upgraded to 12 AMD 2.8 GHz quad-core servers, each with 16 GB high-performance memory. Development in Campus Network Infrastructure As wireless usage proliferates, the campus WLAN coverage was extended to 32 locations. A new WLAN system known as ‘thin’ AP system was introduced in 2007–08. This system made seamless wireless roaming possible so that user could roam from one AP coverage area to another without losing connectivity or having to re-establish connection. CUHK continued to strengthen collaboration with international research and education networks in order to support such high bandwidth applications as large-scale data transfers, distributed computing, video-conferencing, and academic and research collaborations with other universities. The year 2008 had been a fruitful year as connections were successfully established with various research and education networks via a high-speed gigabit Ethernet local circuit.
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